1. Introduction
This document describes Global Media Platform REST API.
This page is also available as a PDF Document
1.1. Change log
Date | Description |
2024-09-23 |
Adding new domain - |
2024-05-15 |
Adding audit result information for all relevant media types. |
2024-03-12 |
Adding addressable information fields next to existing |
2024-03-05 |
Adding field |
2024-02-27 |
Adding fields |
2023-10-11 |
Adding fields |
2022-10-04 |
Adding Upload Campaigns and Upload Digital sites and create new Campaign to the API. |
2021-12-01 |
Updating Digital Site and Digital Plan model. |
2021-04-09 |
Adding Delta API |
2. Authentication
Token based authentication that requires user setup via Global Media Platform Support. All requests apart from Login require
header parameter X-auth
2.1. Login
Login is done to acquire a token to be used with the HTTP Header X-auth
for all requests.
The response is the token to use as plain text.
POST /api/login HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 82
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
{"username": "dummy-user@globalmediaplatform.com", "password": "greatPassword123"}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 36
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/login' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"username": "dummy-user@globalmediaplatform.com", "password": "greatPassword123"}'
$ echo '{"username": "dummy-user@globalmediaplatform.com", "password": "greatPassword123"}' | http POST 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/login' \
2.2. Request header
All requests (except login) have to have the header X-auth
to be accepted. If not a 403
response is returned.
3. Client Data
3.1. Countries for a year
Get a list of all countries for a specific year
Countries listed here contain both Country Code according to ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2
, and country name.
When a country is referenced somewhere else, as in other objects, only the country code is used.
GET /api/v1/countries/year/2019 HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 108
[ {
"countryCode" : "SE",
"name" : "Sweden"
}, {
"countryCode" : "GB",
"name" : "United Kingdom"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/countries/year/2019' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/countries/year/2019' \
3.2. Years with country set up
Get a list of all years that have been set up for any country
GET /api/v1/years HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 20
[ 2019, 2018, 2017 ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/years' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/years' \
3.3. Years for a country
Get a list of all years for a specific country code
GET /api/v1/years/country/SE HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 14
[ 2019, 2018 ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/years/country/SE' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/years/country/SE' \
3.4. Brands for a country and year
Get a list of all registered brands for a specific country code and year.
When brands are used in other requests the brands are case sensitive.
GET /api/v1/brands/country/SE/year/2018 HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 32
[ "Brand Name", "Brand Name 2" ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/brands/country/SE/year/2018' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/brands/country/SE/year/2018' \
4. Campaigns
4.1. Campaign model
All fields represented in a Campaign object
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
GMP ID of the Campaign |
Campaign name |
Start date of the Campaign |
End date of the Campaign |
Regions for the campaign |
All Media Types used in the Campaign |
List of external ID key/value pairs |
Key for external ID |
Value for external ID |
Country name |
Country code according to |
Brand name |
Fiscal year of the campaign |
Agency name |
GMP Campaign status |
Currency according to |
4.2. Find Campaigns
Find and list available campaigns for the current authenticated integration user.
This is limited to one country code for one year and you can search for a specific Campaign using the externalId
and externalProvider
parameters. These need to be used together, or skipped completely.
GET /api/v1/campaigns/country/SE/year/2018?externalId=ADS-1293493i34_SE&externalProvider=theAdServer HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
Parameter | Description |
Optional String for external provider, i.e. key for external ID. Must be used with 'externalId' param. |
Optional String for external ID. Must be used together with 'externalProvider' param. |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 478
[ {
"id" : "9fd5f3a883b34c649b86baa4",
"name" : "Test campaign",
"startDate" : "2018-10-01",
"endDate" : "2018-11-15",
"fiscalYear" : 2018,
"mediaTypes" : [ "DIGITAL" ],
"externalIds" : [ {
"externalProvider" : "theAdServer",
"externalId" : "ADS-1293493i34_SE"
} ],
"country" : "Sweden",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "South" ],
"brand" : "Brand Name",
"status" : "In Followup",
"currency" : "SEK",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/country/SE/year/2018?externalId=ADS-1293493i34_SE&externalProvider=theAdServer' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/country/SE/year/2018?externalId=ADS-1293493i34_SE&externalProvider=theAdServer' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
4.3. Get single Campaign
Get a single Campaign using GMP Campaign ID.
GET /api/v1/campaigns/9bf2c92d2b274c2ea4d8ced0 HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 474
"id" : "9bf2c92d2b274c2ea4d8ced0",
"name" : "Test campaign",
"startDate" : "2018-10-01",
"endDate" : "2018-11-15",
"fiscalYear" : 2018,
"mediaTypes" : [ "DIGITAL" ],
"externalIds" : [ {
"externalProvider" : "theAdServer",
"externalId" : "ADS-1293493i34_SE"
} ],
"country" : "Sweden",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "South" ],
"brand" : "Brand Name",
"status" : "In Followup",
"currency" : "SEK",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name"
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/9bf2c92d2b274c2ea4d8ced0' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/9bf2c92d2b274c2ea4d8ced0' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
4.4. Upload Campaigns
Upload one or several campaigns. After upload, you can Check upload status described below.
POST /api/v1/campaigns HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Content-Length: 2156
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
"idempotencyKey": "23089234098-DRXTS-345",
"campaigns": [
"name": "Springtime Campaign",
"startDate": "2018-04-01",
"endDate": "2018-05-15",
"countryCode": "SE",
"brand": "Brand Name",
"fiscalYear": 2018,
"regions": ["South"],
"externalIds": [ {
"externalProvider": "theAdServer",
"externalId": "ADS-1293493i34_SE"
} ],
"tvTypes": [ {
"targetAudience": "A25-45",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"radioTypes": [ {
"targetAudience": "A25-45",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"printTypes": [ {
"printPublicationType": "MAGAZINE",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"oohTypes": [ {
"oohPublicationType": "STANDARD",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"digitalTypes": [{"briefedBudget": 55000.00}],
"cinemaTypes": [{"briefedBudget": 55000.00}],
"otherMediaTypes": [
"mediaType": "DIRECT_MAIL",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
"mediaType": "E_COMMERCE",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
"otherSpendTypes": [ {
"mediaType": "RECALL_CAMPAIGN",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"businessObjectives": "Business objectives for campaign",
"advertisingObjectives": "Advertiser objectives for campaign",
"campaignObjectives": "The campaign objectives"
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
Transaction key. If the key has already been used for a successful transmission of data the result of that upload will be returned, otherwise they payload is accepted and a new result returned |
List of Campaigns to register in GMP |
Campaign name |
Start date of the Campaign |
End date of the Campaign |
Regions for the Campaign |
Country code according to |
Brand name |
Fiscal year of the campaign |
List of external ID key/value pairs |
Key for the external ID |
Value for external ID |
All Media Types used in the Campaign |
Details for TV plans in the campaign |
Target audience for the TV plan |
Regional target audience for the TV plan |
Briefed budget for the plan. Currency is that of the campaign’s country |
Details for Radio plans in the campaign |
Target audience for the Radio plan |
Regional target audience for the Radio plan. Note! Using regional TA for radio will cause a validation error as it is not yet fully supported by Global Media Platform. It is only part of the API as a preparation for that support. |
Briefed budget for the plan. Currency is that of the campaign’s country |
Details for Print plans in the campaign |
The publication type of the plan. See Print Publication Types for available options. |
Briefed budget for the plan. Currency is that of the campaign’s country |
Details for OOH plans in the campaign |
The type of the plan. Available options are STANDARD and DIGITAL |
Briefed budget for the plan. Currency is that of the campaign’s country |
Details for Digital plans in the campaign |
Briefed budget for the plan. Currency is that of the campaign’s country |
Details for Cinema plans in the campaign |
Briefed budget for the plan. Currency is that of the campaign’s country |
Details for Other Media plans in the campaign |
The type of the plan. See Other Media Types for available options |
Briefed budget for the plan. Currency is that of the campaign’s country |
Details for Other Spend plans in the campaign |
The type of the plan. See Other Spend Types for available options |
Briefed budget for the plan. Currency is that of the campaign’s country |
The business objectives for the campaign |
The advertising objectives for the campaign |
The campaign objectives |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 219
"statusId" : "FUL_55b65871fc45409c9a618bc9",
"created" : "2025-03-03T10:43:48.963Z",
"percentDone" : 0,
"state" : "PENDING",
"errors" : [ ],
"campaignId" : null,
"planIds" : null,
"campaignIds" : [ ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-d '{
"idempotencyKey": "23089234098-DRXTS-345",
"campaigns": [
"name": "Springtime Campaign",
"startDate": "2018-04-01",
"endDate": "2018-05-15",
"countryCode": "SE",
"brand": "Brand Name",
"fiscalYear": 2018,
"regions": ["South"],
"externalIds": [ {
"externalProvider": "theAdServer",
"externalId": "ADS-1293493i34_SE"
} ],
"tvTypes": [ {
"targetAudience": "A25-45",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"radioTypes": [ {
"targetAudience": "A25-45",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"printTypes": [ {
"printPublicationType": "MAGAZINE",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"oohTypes": [ {
"oohPublicationType": "STANDARD",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"digitalTypes": [{"briefedBudget": 55000.00}],
"cinemaTypes": [{"briefedBudget": 55000.00}],
"otherMediaTypes": [
"mediaType": "DIRECT_MAIL",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
"mediaType": "E_COMMERCE",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
"otherSpendTypes": [ {
"mediaType": "RECALL_CAMPAIGN",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"businessObjectives": "Business objectives for campaign",
"advertisingObjectives": "Advertiser objectives for campaign",
"campaignObjectives": "The campaign objectives"
$ echo '{
"idempotencyKey": "23089234098-DRXTS-345",
"campaigns": [
"name": "Springtime Campaign",
"startDate": "2018-04-01",
"endDate": "2018-05-15",
"countryCode": "SE",
"brand": "Brand Name",
"fiscalYear": 2018,
"regions": ["South"],
"externalIds": [ {
"externalProvider": "theAdServer",
"externalId": "ADS-1293493i34_SE"
} ],
"tvTypes": [ {
"targetAudience": "A25-45",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"radioTypes": [ {
"targetAudience": "A25-45",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"printTypes": [ {
"printPublicationType": "MAGAZINE",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"oohTypes": [ {
"oohPublicationType": "STANDARD",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"digitalTypes": [{"briefedBudget": 55000.00}],
"cinemaTypes": [{"briefedBudget": 55000.00}],
"otherMediaTypes": [
"mediaType": "DIRECT_MAIL",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
"mediaType": "E_COMMERCE",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
"otherSpendTypes": [ {
"mediaType": "RECALL_CAMPAIGN",
"briefedBudget": 55000.00
} ],
"businessObjectives": "Business objectives for campaign",
"advertisingObjectives": "Advertiser objectives for campaign",
"campaignObjectives": "The campaign objectives"
}' | http POST 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns' \
'Content-Type:application/json' \
4.5. Set external id
Set or add external provider/id on a Campaign.
PUT /api/v1/campaigns/383df9616fb84199a4d43d79/external-ids HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Content-Length: 79
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
{"externalProvider": "theAdServer", "externalId": "ADS-1293493i34_SE"}
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
Key for the external ID you wish to add |
The ID you wish to add |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 474
"id" : "383df9616fb84199a4d43d79",
"name" : "Test campaign",
"startDate" : "2018-10-01",
"endDate" : "2018-11-15",
"fiscalYear" : 2018,
"mediaTypes" : [ "DIGITAL" ],
"externalIds" : [ {
"externalProvider" : "theAdServer",
"externalId" : "ADS-1293493i34_SE"
} ],
"country" : "Sweden",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "South" ],
"brand" : "Brand Name",
"status" : "In Followup",
"currency" : "SEK",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name"
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/383df9616fb84199a4d43d79/external-ids' -i -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-d '[
{"externalProvider": "theAdServer", "externalId": "ADS-1293493i34_SE"}
$ echo '[
{"externalProvider": "theAdServer", "externalId": "ADS-1293493i34_SE"}
]' | http PUT 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/383df9616fb84199a4d43d79/external-ids' \
'Content-Type:application/json' \
5. Delta API
The Delta API will return ID’s for all Campaigns and it’s Media Plans that have changed within
a specified date interval with from
and to
dates. Optionally you can limit the request to
specified country codes. The date interval is not allowed to exceed 366 days (full leap year).
All IDs are accompanied by events, these can be either CREATED
, a combination of
both of those or DISMISSED
. If a campaign has been DISMISSED
all media plans connected
to it has been dismissed as well and will not be included in the response. If a media plan has
but not the campaign the event will show up on a media plan level.
Example of a response entity containing both CREATED
plans on an UPDATED
"campaignId" : "f8ac1949c58c40cb92a2388a",
"events" : [ "UPDATED" ],
"planIdsByMediaType" : {
"TV" : [ {
"id" : "5cef8cdbff0f414788bb84e7",
"events" : [ "CREATED" ]
}, {
"id" : "98bf25d7f9ed43dea7846816",
"events" : [ "CREATED", "UPDATED" ]
} ],
"DIGITAL" : [ {
"id" : "b205728a8f924f4e8eb8df80",
"events" : [ "DISMISSED" ]
} ],
"OOH" : [ {
"id" : "f2b8dedee27b40ee9ab7e03a",
"events" : [ "UPDATED" ]
} ]
POST /api/v1/delta/campaign HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: 73
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
"from": "2021-01-01",
"to": "2021-01-31",
"countryCodes": []
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
Date to use as start of delta search. |
Date to use as end of delta search. |
Optional limitation to specific country codes. If not given, all countries are included. |
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/delta/campaign' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"from": "2021-01-01",
"to": "2021-01-31",
"countryCodes": []
$ echo '{
"from": "2021-01-01",
"to": "2021-01-31",
"countryCodes": []
}' | http POST 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/delta/campaign' \
'Content-Type:application/json' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6. Media Plan
All details for a Campaign are stored in Media Plans for each media type.
6.1. TV
6.1.1. TV Periods explained
TV channels are broken down in periods. These periods always start with a Monday or the first day
of a month and are maximum of 7 days long. This is to be able to aggregate values up to either weeks or
months easily. In the sample responses below we have the start date 2019-02-25
and end date
. Since this is over a monthly break we get three periods even though it is only 2 calendar
weeks. First period
is 3 days
long stretching from 2019-02-25
to 2019-02-28
. Second period
is 4 days
long stretching from 2019-03-01
to 2019-03-03
. The third period
is 7 days
long stretching from
to 2019-03-10
Actual periods in the channels can differ from TV Plan dates since the TV Plan dates can come from planned data.
6.1.2. TV Plan model
All fields represented in a TV plan object
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
GMP ID for the TV Plan |
GMP ID for Campaign |
Campaign name |
Country code according to |
List of regions |
Brand name |
Plan status |
TV Plan start date |
TV Plan end date |
Fiscal year |
Agency name |
Currency according to |
Target Audience |
Universe size |
Generic Target Audience, typically |
Comparison value, |
PO Number |
Agency fees, can be only |
Percent on Net |
Percent on NetNet |
Fixed sum fee |
Addressable net net |
Non Addressable net net |
Addressable percent of net net |
Non Addressable percent of net net |
Summary of planned values |
Total planned Media net in TV plan |
Total planned net net in TV plan |
Total planned Addressable net net in TV plan |
Total planned Non Addressable net net in TV plan |
Total planned Addressable percent of net net in TV plan |
Total planned Non Addressable percent of net net in TV plan |
Total planned GRPs in TV plan |
Total planned GRP30s in TV plan |
Total planned number of spots in TV plan, used if comparison value is |
Total planned number of spots in 30 second equality in TV plan, used if comparison value is |
Total planned number of impacts ('000) in TV plan, used if comparison value is |
Total planned number of impacts ('000) in 30 second equality in TV plan, used if comparison value is |
Planned average weekly reach % for Target Audience |
Planned average weekly reach % for Generic Target Audience |
Planned reach values for TV plan |
Planned reach for 1+ frequency |
Planned reach for 2+ frequency |
Planned reach for 3+ frequency |
Planned reach for 4+ frequency |
Planned reach for 5+ frequency |
Planned reach for 6+ frequency |
Planned reach for 7+ frequency |
Planned reach for 8+ frequency |
Planned reach for 9+ frequency |
Planned reach for 10+ frequency |
Planned effective frequency for TV plan |
Planned effective reach % for TV plan |
Value gain/loss vs CG in Percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Planned quality index percentages for TV plan |
Planned quality index type |
Planned quality index level as a % |
Summary of actual values |
Total actual Media net in TV plan |
Total actual net net in TV plan |
Total actual Addressable net net in TV plan |
Total actual Non Addressable net net in TV plan |
Total actual Addressable percent of net net in TV plan |
Total actual Non Addressable percent of net net in TV plan |
Total actual GRPs in TV plan, used if comparison value is |
Total actual GRP30s in TV plan, used if comparison value is |
Total actual number of spots in TV plan, used if comparison value is |
Total actual number of spots in 30 second equality in TV plan, used if comparison value is |
Total actual number of impacts ('000) in TV plan, used if comparison value is |
Total actual number of impacts ('000) in 30 second equality in TV plan, used if comparison value is |
Actual average weekly reach % for Target Audience |
Actual average weekly reach % for Generic Target Audience |
Actual reach values for TV plan |
Actual reach for 1+ frequency |
Actual reach for 2+ frequency |
Actual reach for 3+ frequency |
Actual reach for 4+ frequency |
Actual reach for 5+ frequency |
Actual reach for 6+ frequency |
Actual reach for 7+ frequency |
Actual reach for 8+ frequency |
Actual reach for 9+ frequency |
Actual reach for 10+ frequency |
Actual effective frequency for TV plan |
Actual effective reach % for TV plan |
Value gain/loss vs CG in Percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual quality index percentages for TV plan |
Actual quality index type |
Actual quality index level as a % |
List of Film codes |
Name of the Creative used |
GRP30 or Spots share in % |
Technical Spots code |
Film duration in seconds |
Conversion index to 30 seconds length |
List of TV Channels |
TV Channel name |
Planned values for Channel |
Planned conversion Index to Generic Target Audience |
Planned discount in % |
Planned media net |
Planned net net |
Planned Addressable net net |
Planned Non Addressable net net |
Planned Addressable percent of net net |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net |
Planned GRPs for channel if comparison value is |
Planned GRP30s for channel if comparison value is |
Planned number of spots for channel if comparison value is |
Planned number of spots in 30 second equivalence for channel if comparison value is |
Planned number of impacts ('000) for channel if comparison value is |
Planned number of impacts ('000) in 30 second equivalence for channel if comparison value is |
Value gain/loss vs CG in Percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Planned quality index for channel |
Planned quality index for channel |
Planned quality index percent for channel |
Planned week/month periods for channel |
Period year |
Period month |
Period week |
Period start date |
Period end date |
Planned net net for period |
Planned Addressable net net for period |
Planned Non Addressable net net for period |
Planned Addressable percent of net net for period |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net for period |
Planned share for period of GRP, Spots or Impacts ('000) |
Planned share for period of GRP30, Spots30 or Impacts30 ('000) |
Value gain/loss vs CG in Percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Planned quality index percentages for period |
Planned quality index for period |
Planned quality index percent for period |
Planned breakdown per Film Code for period |
Name of the creative used |
Planned share of GRP30 for the period |
Actual values for Channel |
Actual conversion Index to Generic Target Audience |
Actual discount in % |
Actual media net |
Actual net net |
Actual Addressable net net |
Actual Non Addressable net net |
Actual Addressable percent of net net |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net |
Actual GRPs for channel if comparison value is |
Actual GRP30s for channel if comparison value is |
Actual number of spots for channel if comparison value is |
Actual number of spots in 30 second equivalence for channel if comparison value is |
Actual number of impacts ('000) for channel if comparison value is |
Actual number of impacts ('000) in 30 second equivalence for channel if comparison value is |
Value gain/loss vs CG in Percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual quality index for channel |
Actual quality index for channel |
Actual quality index percent for channel |
Actual week/month periods for channel |
Period year |
Period month |
Period week |
Period start date |
Period end date |
Actual net net for period |
Actual Addressable net net for period |
Actual Non Addressable net net for period |
Actual Addressable percent of net net for period |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net for period |
Actual share for period of GRP, Spots or Impacts ('000) |
Actual share for period of GRP30, Spots30 or Impacts30 ('000) |
Value gain/loss vs CG in Percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual quality index percentages for period |
Actual quality index for period |
Actual quality index percent for period |
Actual breakdown per Film Code for period |
Name of the creative used |
Actual share of GRP30 for the period |
6.1.3. Get TV Plans for Campaign
Get all TV plans for a specific Campaign using GMP Campaign ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/tv/plans HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
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"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f7e",
"campaignId" : "5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"agencyRemuneration" : {
"percentOnNet" : 1.0,
"percentOnNetNet" : 0.0,
"fixedFee" : 100.0
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 50.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 180.15,
"grp" : 18.0,
"grp30" : 18.0,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"reach" : {
"onePlus" : 34.5,
"twoPlus" : 30.2,
"threePlus" : 28.1,
"fourPlus" : 26.8,
"fivePlus" : 24.0,
"sixPlus" : 17.7,
"sevenPlus" : 12.1,
"eightPlus" : 9.5,
"ninePlus" : 6.2,
"tenPlus" : 2.9
"effectiveFrequency" : "3+",
"effectiveReach" : 28.1,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"averageWeeklyReach" : 22.1,
"averageWeeklyReachGenericTargetAudience" : 29.7
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 50.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 180.15,
"grp" : 18.0,
"grp30" : 18.0,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"reach" : {
"onePlus" : 34.5,
"twoPlus" : 30.2,
"threePlus" : 28.1,
"fourPlus" : 26.8,
"fivePlus" : 24.0,
"sixPlus" : 17.7,
"sevenPlus" : 12.1,
"eightPlus" : 9.5,
"ninePlus" : 6.2,
"tenPlus" : 2.9
"effectiveFrequency" : "3+",
"effectiveReach" : 28.1,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"averageWeeklyReach" : 22.1,
"averageWeeklyReachGenericTargetAudience" : 29.7
"targetAudience" : "A20-49",
"genericTargetAudience" : "A15+",
"comparisonUnit" : "CPP",
"filmCodes" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100.0,
"technicalCode" : "AREE28177",
"durationInSeconds" : 30,
"indexTo30Seconds" : 100.0
} ],
"channels" : [ {
"name" : "Channel 1",
"plannedValues" : {
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"netNet" : 900,
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"impacts30" : null,
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"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
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"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
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"percent" : 10.0
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"week" : 9,
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"endDate" : "2019-02-28",
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"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
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"percent" : 10.0
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"share" : 100
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"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
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"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
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"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
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"percent" : 44.5
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"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
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"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
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"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
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"week" : 10,
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"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
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"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
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"nonAddressablePercent" : null
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"spots30" : null,
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"impacts30" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 10.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
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"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
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"percent" : 10.0
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"percent" : 44.5
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"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
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"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
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"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
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"percent" : 10.0
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"share" : 100
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"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
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"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
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"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 10,
"startDate" : "2019-03-04",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null
} ],
"universe" : 120000.0
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/tv/plans' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/tv/plans' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.1.4. Get TV Plan by ID
Get a specific TV plan using GMP Campaign ID and TV Plan ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/tv/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 16367
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"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"agencyRemuneration" : {
"percentOnNet" : 1.0,
"percentOnNetNet" : 0.0,
"fixedFee" : 100.0
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 50.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 180.15,
"grp" : 18.0,
"grp30" : 18.0,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"reach" : {
"onePlus" : 34.5,
"twoPlus" : 30.2,
"threePlus" : 28.1,
"fourPlus" : 26.8,
"fivePlus" : 24.0,
"sixPlus" : 17.7,
"sevenPlus" : 12.1,
"eightPlus" : 9.5,
"ninePlus" : 6.2,
"tenPlus" : 2.9
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"effectiveReach" : 28.1,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
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"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
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"netNet" : 1800.0,
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"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 50.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 180.15,
"grp" : 18.0,
"grp30" : 18.0,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"reach" : {
"onePlus" : 34.5,
"twoPlus" : 30.2,
"threePlus" : 28.1,
"fourPlus" : 26.8,
"fivePlus" : 24.0,
"sixPlus" : 17.7,
"sevenPlus" : 12.1,
"eightPlus" : 9.5,
"ninePlus" : 6.2,
"tenPlus" : 2.9
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"effectiveReach" : 28.1,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
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"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"averageWeeklyReach" : 22.1,
"averageWeeklyReachGenericTargetAudience" : 29.7
"targetAudience" : "A20-49",
"genericTargetAudience" : "A15+",
"comparisonUnit" : "CPP",
"filmCodes" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100.0,
"technicalCode" : "AREE28177",
"durationInSeconds" : 30,
"indexTo30Seconds" : 100.0
} ],
"channels" : [ {
"name" : "Channel 1",
"plannedValues" : {
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"discountPercent" : 0,
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"netNet" : 900,
"grp" : 9,
"grp30" : 9,
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"spots30" : null,
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"impacts30" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 10.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
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"percent" : 10.0
} ],
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"year" : 2019,
"month" : 2,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-02-28",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 10,
"startDate" : "2019-03-04",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null
"actualValues" : {
"conversionIndexToGenericTa" : 100,
"discountPercent" : 0,
"net" : 900,
"netNet" : 900,
"grp" : 9,
"grp30" : 9,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 10.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 2,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-02-28",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 10,
"startDate" : "2019-03-04",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null
}, {
"name" : "Channel 2",
"plannedValues" : {
"conversionIndexToGenericTa" : 100,
"discountPercent" : 0,
"net" : 900,
"netNet" : 900,
"grp" : 9,
"grp30" : 9,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 10.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 2,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-02-28",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 10,
"startDate" : "2019-03-04",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null
"actualValues" : {
"conversionIndexToGenericTa" : 100,
"discountPercent" : 0,
"net" : 900,
"netNet" : 900,
"grp" : 9,
"grp30" : 9,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 10.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 2,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-02-28",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 10,
"startDate" : "2019-03-04",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "PRIME_TIME",
"percent" : 44.5
}, {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Commercial film",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null
} ],
"universe" : 120000.0
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/tv/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/tv/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.1.5. TV Spot model
All fields represented for a TV Spot object
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
GMP ID for Campaign that spot is connected to |
GMP ID for the TV Plan that spot is connected to |
Reported name of TV channel |
TV Program Name |
Air date for spot |
Air time of day for spot |
Film code used for spot |
Spot length in seconds |
Spot position within the break |
Number of spots in break |
Type of break, |
Net price for spot |
Net net price for spot |
Currency for optional net/netNet |
Target Audience specific values for spot |
Name of the Target Audience the values apply to |
Number of GRP for spot in given Target Audience |
Number of GRP in 30 second equivalence for spot in given Target Audience |
Number of people corresponding to the GRP in Target Audience |
Number of people corresponding to the GRP30 in Target Audience |
Reach values given in this spot |
Reach buildup for 1+ frequency given in this spot |
Reach buildup for 2+ frequency given in this spot |
Reach buildup for 3+ frequency given in this spot |
Reach buildup for 4+ frequency given in this spot |
Reach buildup for 5+ frequency given in this spot |
Reach buildup for 6+ frequency given in this spot |
Reach buildup for 7+ frequency given in this spot |
Reach buildup for 8+ frequency given in this spot |
Reach buildup for 9+ frequency given in this spot |
Reach buildup for 10+ frequency given in this spot |
Unique 1+ frequency addition for the spot |
6.1.6. Get TV Spots for a Campaign
Get all TV Spots for a single campaign using GMP Campaign ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/workingCampaignId/tv/tv-spots HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 812
[ {
"campaignId" : "workingCampaignId",
"tvPlanId" : "workingTvPlanId",
"tvChannelName" : "Channel Name",
"airDate" : "2019-01-24",
"airTime" : "18:33:02",
"programName" : "Program Name",
"filmCode" : "Film Code",
"spotLength" : 30,
"positionInBreak" : 1,
"spotsInBreak" : 8,
"breakType" : "CB",
"net" : 100,
"netNet" : 80,
"currency" : "SEK",
"targetAudienceValues" : [ {
"targetAudience" : "A20-49",
"grp" : 1.2,
"grp30" : 1.2,
"impacts" : 100,
"impacts30" : 100,
"reach" : {
"onePlus" : 34.5,
"twoPlus" : 30.2,
"threePlus" : 28.1,
"fourPlus" : 26.8,
"fivePlus" : 24.0,
"sixPlus" : 17.7,
"sevenPlus" : 12.1,
"eightPlus" : 9.5,
"ninePlus" : 6.2,
"tenPlus" : 2.9
"unique" : 0.9
} ]
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/workingCampaignId/tv/tv-spots' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/workingCampaignId/tv/tv-spots' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.1.7. Get TV Spots for a TV Plan
Get all TV Spots for a single campaign using GMP Campaign ID and TV Plan ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/workingCampaignId/tv/workingTvPlanId/tv-spots HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 812
[ {
"campaignId" : "workingCampaignId",
"tvPlanId" : "workingTvPlanId",
"tvChannelName" : "Channel Name",
"airDate" : "2019-01-24",
"airTime" : "18:33:02",
"programName" : "Program Name",
"filmCode" : "Film Code",
"spotLength" : 30,
"positionInBreak" : 1,
"spotsInBreak" : 8,
"breakType" : "CB",
"net" : 100,
"netNet" : 80,
"currency" : "SEK",
"targetAudienceValues" : [ {
"targetAudience" : "A20-49",
"grp" : 1.2,
"grp30" : 1.2,
"impacts" : 100,
"impacts30" : 100,
"reach" : {
"onePlus" : 34.5,
"twoPlus" : 30.2,
"threePlus" : 28.1,
"fourPlus" : 26.8,
"fivePlus" : 24.0,
"sixPlus" : 17.7,
"sevenPlus" : 12.1,
"eightPlus" : 9.5,
"ninePlus" : 6.2,
"tenPlus" : 2.9
"unique" : 0.9
} ]
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/workingCampaignId/tv/workingTvPlanId/tv-spots' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/workingCampaignId/tv/workingTvPlanId/tv-spots' \
6.2. Radio
6.2.1. Radio Periods explained
Radio stations are broken down in periods. These periods always start with a Monday or the first day
of a month and are maximum of 7 days long. This is to be able to aggregate up to either weeks or
months easily. In the sample responses below we have the start date 2019-02-25
and end date
. Since this is over a monthly break we get three periods even though it is only 2 calendar
weeks. First period
is 3 days
long stretching from 2019-02-25
to 2019-02-28
. Second period
is 4 days
long stretching from 2019-03-01
to 2019-03-03
. The third period
is 7 days
long stretching from
to 2019-03-10
Actual periods in the stations can differ from Radio Plan dates since the Radio Plan dates can come from planned data.
6.2.2. Radio Plan model
All fields represented in a Radio plan object
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
GMP ID for the Radio Plan |
GMP ID for Campaign |
Campaign name |
Country code according to |
List of regions |
Brand name |
Plan status |
Radio Plan start date |
Radio Plan end date |
Fiscal year |
Agency name |
Currency according to |
Target Audience |
Generic Target Audience, typically |
Comparison value, |
PO Number |
Agency fees, can be only |
Percent on Net |
Percent on NetNet |
Fixed sum fee |
Addressable net net |
Non Addressable net net |
Addressable percent of net net |
Non Addressable percent of net net |
Summary of planned values |
Total planned Media net in Radio plan |
Total planned net net in Radio plan |
Total planned Addressable net net in Radio plan |
Total planned Non Addressable net net in Radio plan |
Total planned Addressable percent of net net in Radio plan |
Total planned Non Addressable percent of net net in Radio plan |
Total planned GRPs in Radio plan |
Total planned GRP30s in Radio plan |
Total planned number of spots in Radio plan, used if comparison value is |
Total planned number of spots in 30 second equality in Radio plan, used if comparison value is |
Total planned number of impacts in Radio plan, used if comparison value is |
Total planned number of impacts in 30 second equality in Radio plan, used if comparison value is |
Planned reach values for Radio plan |
Planned reach for 1+ frequency |
Planned reach for 2+ frequency |
Planned reach for 3+ frequency |
Planned reach for 4+ frequency |
Planned reach for 5+ frequency |
Planned reach for 6+ frequency |
Planned reach for 7+ frequency |
Planned reach for 8+ frequency |
Planned reach for 9+ frequency |
Planned reach for 10+ frequency |
Planned effective frequency for Radio plan |
Planned effective reach % for Radio plan |
Value gain/loss vs CG in Percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Planned quality index percentages for Radio plan |
Planned quality index type |
Planned quality index level as a % |
Summary of actual values |
Total actual Media net in Radio plan |
Total actual net net in Radio plan |
Total actual Addressable net net |
Total actual Non Addressable net net |
Total actual Addressable percent of net net |
Total actual Non Addressable percent of net net |
Total actual GRPs in Radio plan, used if comparison value is |
Total actual GRP30s in Radio plan, used if comparison value is |
Total actual number of spots in Radio plan, used if comparison value is |
Total actual number of spots in 30 second equality in Radio plan, used if comparison value is |
Total actual number of impacts ('000) in Radio plan, used if comparison value is |
Total actual number of impacts ('000) in 30 second equality in Radio plan, used if comparison value is |
Actual reach values for Radio plan |
Actual reach for 1+ frequency |
Actual reach for 2+ frequency |
Actual reach for 3+ frequency |
Actual reach for 4+ frequency |
Actual reach for 5+ frequency |
Actual reach for 6+ frequency |
Actual reach for 7+ frequency |
Actual reach for 8+ frequency |
Actual reach for 9+ frequency |
Actual reach for 10+ frequency |
Actual effective frequency for Radio plan |
Actual effective reach % for Radio plan |
Value gain/loss vs CG in Percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual quality index percentages for Radio plan |
Actual quality index type |
Actual quality index level as a % |
List of spot versions used in the campaign |
Name of the Creative used |
GRP30 or Spots share in % |
Technical Spots code |
Spot duration in seconds |
Conversion index to 30 seconds length |
List of Radio stations |
Radio station name |
Planned values for Channel |
Planned conversion Index to Generic Target Audience |
Planned discount in % |
Planned media net |
Planned net net |
Planned Addressable net net |
Planned Non Addressable net net |
Planned Addressable percent of net net |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net |
Planned GRPs for channel if comparison value is |
Planned GRP30s for channel if comparison value is |
Planned number of spots for channel if comparison value is |
Planned number of spots in 30 second equivalence for channel if comparison value is |
Planned number of impacts ('000) for channel if comparison value is |
Planned number of impacts ('000) in 30 second equivalence for channel if comparison value is |
Value gain/loss vs CG in Percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Planned quality index for channel |
Planned quality index for channel |
Planned quality index percent for channel |
Planned week/month periods for channel |
Period year |
Period month |
Period week |
Period start date |
Period end date |
Planned net net for period |
Planned Addressable net net for period |
Planned Non Addressable net net for period |
Planned Addressable percent of net net for period |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net for period |
Planned share for period of GRP, Spots or Impacts ('000) |
Planned share for period of GRP30, Spots30 or Impacts30 ('000) |
Value gain/loss vs CG in Percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Planned quality index percentages for period |
Planned quality index for period |
Planned quality index percent for period |
Planned breakdown per Spot version for period |
Name of the creative used |
Planned share of GRP30 for the period |
Actual values for Channel |
Actual conversion Index to Generic Target Audience |
Actual discount in % |
Actual media net |
Actual net net |
Actual Addressable net net |
Actual Non Addressable net net |
Actual Addressable percent of net net |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net |
Actual GRPs for channel if comparison value is |
Actual GRP30s for channel if comparison value is |
Actual number of spots for channel if comparison value is |
Actual number of spots in 30 second equivalence for channel if comparison value is |
Actual number of impacts ('000) for channel if comparison value is |
Actual number of impacts ('000) in 30 second equivalence for channel if comparison value is |
Value gain/loss vs CG in Percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual quality index for channel |
Actual quality index for channel |
Actual quality index percent for channel |
Actual week/month periods for channel |
Period year |
Period month |
Period week |
Period start date |
Period end date |
Actual net net for period |
Actual Addressable net net for period |
Actual Non Addressable net net for period |
Actual Addressable percent of net net for period |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net for period |
Actual share for period of GRP, Spots or Impacts ('000) |
Actual share for period of GRP30, Spots30 or Impacts30 ('000) |
Value gain/loss vs CG in Percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual quality index percentages for period |
Actual quality index for period |
Actual quality index percent for period |
Actual breakdown per Spot Version for period |
Name of the creative used |
Actual share of GRP30 for the period |
6.2.3. Get Radio Plans for Campaign
Get all Radio plans for a specific Campaign using GMP Campaign ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/radio/plans HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
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[ {
"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f7e",
"campaignId" : "5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"agencyRemuneration" : {
"percentOnNet" : 1.0,
"percentOnNetNet" : 1.0,
"fixedFee" : 100.0
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 50.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 180.15,
"grp" : 18.0,
"grp30" : 18.0,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"reach" : {
"onePlus" : 34.5,
"twoPlus" : 30.2,
"threePlus" : 28.1,
"fourPlus" : 26.8,
"fivePlus" : 24.0,
"sixPlus" : 17.7,
"sevenPlus" : 12.1,
"eightPlus" : 9.5,
"ninePlus" : 6.2,
"tenPlus" : 2.9
"effectiveFrequency" : "3+",
"effectiveReach" : 28.1,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ]
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 50.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 180.15,
"grp" : 18.0,
"grp30" : 18.0,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"reach" : {
"onePlus" : 34.5,
"twoPlus" : 30.2,
"threePlus" : 28.1,
"fourPlus" : 26.8,
"fivePlus" : 24.0,
"sixPlus" : 17.7,
"sevenPlus" : 12.1,
"eightPlus" : 9.5,
"ninePlus" : 6.2,
"tenPlus" : 2.9
"effectiveFrequency" : "3+",
"effectiveReach" : 28.1,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ]
"targetAudience" : "A20-49",
"genericTargetAudience" : "A15+",
"comparisonUnit" : "CPP",
"spotVersions" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100.0,
"technicalCode" : "AREE28177",
"durationInSeconds" : 30,
"indexTo30Seconds" : 100.0
} ],
"stations" : [ {
"name" : "Station 1",
"plannedValues" : {
"conversionIndexToGenericTa" : 100,
"discountPercent" : 0,
"net" : 900,
"netNet" : 900,
"grp" : 9,
"grp30" : 9,
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"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 10.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 2,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-02-28",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
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"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
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"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 10,
"startDate" : "2019-03-04",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
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"addressableNetNet" : 900,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
"actualValues" : {
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"discountPercent" : 0,
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"netNet" : 900,
"grp" : 9,
"grp30" : 9,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 10.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 2,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-02-28",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
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"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 10,
"startDate" : "2019-03-04",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
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"share" : 100
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"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
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"addressableNetNet" : 900,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
}, {
"name" : "Station 2",
"plannedValues" : {
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"netNet" : 900,
"grp" : 9,
"grp30" : 9,
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"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 10.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
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"periods" : [ {
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"month" : 2,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-02-28",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
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"share" : 100
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"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
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"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
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"share" : 100
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"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
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"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 10,
"startDate" : "2019-03-04",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
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"grpShare" : 33.33333,
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"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
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"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
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"spots30" : null,
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"impacts30" : null,
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"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
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"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
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"periods" : [ {
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"month" : 2,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-02-28",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
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"share" : 100
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"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
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"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 10,
"startDate" : "2019-03-04",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : 900,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
} ]
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/radio/plans' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/radio/plans' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.2.4. Get Radio Plan by ID
Get a specific Radio plan using GMP Campaign ID and Radio Plan ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/radio/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 14870
"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f7e",
"campaignId" : "5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"agencyRemuneration" : {
"percentOnNet" : 1.0,
"percentOnNetNet" : 1.0,
"fixedFee" : 100.0
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 50.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 180.15,
"grp" : 18.0,
"grp30" : 18.0,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"reach" : {
"onePlus" : 34.5,
"twoPlus" : 30.2,
"threePlus" : 28.1,
"fourPlus" : 26.8,
"fivePlus" : 24.0,
"sixPlus" : 17.7,
"sevenPlus" : 12.1,
"eightPlus" : 9.5,
"ninePlus" : 6.2,
"tenPlus" : 2.9
"effectiveFrequency" : "3+",
"effectiveReach" : 28.1,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ]
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 50.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 180.15,
"grp" : 18.0,
"grp30" : 18.0,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"reach" : {
"onePlus" : 34.5,
"twoPlus" : 30.2,
"threePlus" : 28.1,
"fourPlus" : 26.8,
"fivePlus" : 24.0,
"sixPlus" : 17.7,
"sevenPlus" : 12.1,
"eightPlus" : 9.5,
"ninePlus" : 6.2,
"tenPlus" : 2.9
"effectiveFrequency" : "3+",
"effectiveReach" : 28.1,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ]
"targetAudience" : "A20-49",
"genericTargetAudience" : "A15+",
"comparisonUnit" : "CPP",
"spotVersions" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100.0,
"technicalCode" : "AREE28177",
"durationInSeconds" : 30,
"indexTo30Seconds" : 100.0
} ],
"stations" : [ {
"name" : "Station 1",
"plannedValues" : {
"conversionIndexToGenericTa" : 100,
"discountPercent" : 0,
"net" : 900,
"netNet" : 900,
"grp" : 9,
"grp30" : 9,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 10.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 2,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-02-28",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 10,
"startDate" : "2019-03-04",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : 900,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
"actualValues" : {
"conversionIndexToGenericTa" : 100,
"discountPercent" : 0,
"net" : 900,
"netNet" : 900,
"grp" : 9,
"grp30" : 9,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 10.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 2,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-02-28",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 10,
"startDate" : "2019-03-04",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : 900,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
}, {
"name" : "Station 2",
"plannedValues" : {
"conversionIndexToGenericTa" : 100,
"discountPercent" : 0,
"net" : 900,
"netNet" : 900,
"grp" : 9,
"grp30" : 9,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 10.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 2,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-02-28",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 10,
"startDate" : "2019-03-04",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"netNet" : null,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : 900,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
"actualValues" : {
"conversionIndexToGenericTa" : 100,
"discountPercent" : 0,
"net" : 900,
"netNet" : 900,
"grp" : 9,
"grp30" : 9,
"spots" : null,
"spots30" : null,
"impacts" : null,
"impacts30" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 10.103422,
"valueGainLoss" : 110.33,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 2,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-02-28",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 9,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
}, {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 10,
"startDate" : "2019-03-04",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"netNet" : 300,
"grpShare" : 33.33333,
"grp30Share" : 33.33333,
"indexPercent" : [ {
"index" : "POSITION_IN_BREAK",
"percent" : 30.0
}, {
"percent" : 10.0
} ],
"creativeCodeBreakdown" : [ {
"creativeName" : "Name of the spot",
"share" : 100
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -30.457732,
"valueGainLoss" : -120.85
} ],
"addressableNetNet" : 900,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/radio/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/radio/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.3. OOH
OOH plans can be either "DIGITAL" or "STANDARD" as indicated by the oohType field. Some fields are only used by one of the types but all fields relevant for calculations are the same regardless of oohType.
6.3.1. OOH Plan model
All fields represented for a OOH Plan
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
GMP ID for the OOH Plan |
GMP ID for Campaign |
Campaign name |
Country code according to |
List of plan’s regions |
Brand name |
Plan status |
OOH Plan start date |
OOH Plan end date |
Fiscal year |
Agency name |
Currency according to |
PO Number |
Type of OOH plan: DIGITAL or STANDARD |
Agency fees, can be only |
Percent on Net |
Percent on NetNet |
Fixed sum fee |
Addressable net net value |
Non Addressable net net value |
Addressable percent of net net |
Non Addressable percent of net net |
Summary of planned values |
Total planned rate card cost in OOH plan |
Total planned Media net in OOH plan |
Total planned net net in OOH plan |
Total planned Addressable net net in OOH plan |
Total planned Non Addressable net net in OOH plan |
Total planned Addressable percent of net net in OOH plan |
Total planned Non Addressable percent of net net in OOH plan |
Total planned discount |
Total planned agency commission |
Total planned number of facings in OOH plan |
Total planned production and setup cost in OOH plan |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Summary of actual values |
Total actual rate card cost in OOH plan |
Total actual Media net in OOH plan |
Total actual net net in OOH plan |
Total actual Addressable net net in OOH plan |
Total actual Non Addressable net net in OOH plan |
Total actual Addressable percent of net net in OOH plan |
Total actual Non Addressable percent of net net in OOH plan |
Total discount |
Total agency commission |
Total number of facings in OOH plan |
Total actual production and setup cost in OOH plan |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
List of planning OOH plan details |
Name of supplier |
Ad format |
Region |
Rate card package name |
Start date |
End date |
Number of paid facings |
Number of free facings |
Number of facings |
Number of weeks |
Planned rate card cost |
Planned media net |
Planned net net |
Planned Addressable net net |
Planned Non Addressable net net |
Planned Addressable percent of net net |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net |
Planned discount |
Planned agency commission |
Production and setup cost for the detail |
Last approval date |
Last cancellation date |
Creative Id |
What type of digital plan it is. Possible values: CPS, LEGACY or null. CPS for digital plans created since release of functionality. LEGACY indicates that this an old version of a digital plan that has been recently modified. A null value indicates this is either not a digital plan or an old and unmodified digital plan. |
CPS plans only: Hours per day screens are turned on |
CPS plans only: Number of hours the bought day part covers |
CPS plans only: Bought day part package |
CPS plans only: Number of days bought |
CPS plans only: Number of screens bought |
CPS plans only: Spot length in seconds |
CPS plans only: Paid spots per screen for the period |
CPS plans only: Free spots per screen for the period |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Weeks for media plans. Only available for License Premium Periods |
Year for the week |
Month for the week |
Week number for the week |
Start Date for the week |
End Date for the week |
Planned Values for week |
Planned rate card cost for week |
Planned Media net for week |
Planned net net for week |
Planned Addressable net net for week |
Planned Non Addressable net net for week |
Planned Addressable percent of net net for week |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net for week |
Planned discount for week |
Planned agency commission for week |
Planned number of facings for week |
Planned production and setup cost for week |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual Values for week |
Actual rate card cost for week |
Actual Media net for week |
Actual net net for week |
Actual Addressable net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable net net for week |
Actual Addressable percent of net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net for week |
Actual discount for week |
Actual agency commission for week |
Actual number of facings for week |
Actual production and setup cost for week |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
List of actual OOH plan details |
Name of supplier |
Ad format |
Region |
Rate card package name |
Start date |
End date |
Number of paid facings |
Number of free facings |
Number of facings |
Number of weeks |
Actual rate card cost |
Actual media net |
Actual net net |
Actual Addressable net net |
Actual Non Addressable net net |
Actual Addressable percent of net net |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net |
Discount |
Agency commission |
Production and setup cost for the detail |
Last approval date |
Last cancellation date |
Creative Id |
What type of digital plan it is. Possible values: CPS, LEGACY or null. CPS for digital plans created since release of functionality. LEGACY indicates that this an old version of a digital plan that has been recently modified. A null value indicates this is either not a digital plan or an old and unmodified digital plan. |
CPS plans only: Hours per day screens are turned on |
CPS plans only: Number of hours the bought day part covers |
CPS plans only: Bought day part package |
CPS plans only: Number of days bought |
CPS plans only: Number of screens bought |
CPS plans only: Spot length in seconds |
CPS plans only: Paid spots per screen for the period |
CPS plans only: Free spots per screen for the period |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Weeks for media plans. Only available for License Premium Periods |
Year for the week |
Month for the week |
Week number for the week |
Start Date for the week |
End Date for the week |
Planned Values for week |
Planned rate card cost for week |
Planned Media net for week |
Planned net net for week |
Planned Addressable net net for week |
Planned Non Addressable net net for week |
Planned Addressable percent of net net for week |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net for week |
Planned discount for week |
Planned agency commission for week |
Planned number of facings for week |
Planned production and setup cost for week |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual Values for week |
Actual rate card cost for week |
Actual Media net for week |
Actual net net for week |
Actual Addressable net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable net net for week |
Actual Addressable percent of net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net for week |
Actual discount for week |
Actual agency commission for week |
Actual number of facings for week |
Actual production and setup cost for week |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
6.3.2. Get OOH Plans for Campaign
Get all OOH plans for a single campaign using GMP Campaign ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/ooh/plans HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 6008
[ {
"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f7e",
"campaignId" : "5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"agencyRemuneration" : {
"percentOnNet" : 1.0,
"percentOnNetNet" : 1.0,
"fixedFee" : 100.0
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"numberOfFacings" : 30000,
"rateCardCost" : 2000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 10000.0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"numberOfFacings" : 30000,
"rateCardCost" : 2000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 10000.0
"oohType" : "STANDARD",
"planningDetails" : [ {
"supplier" : "Supplier name",
"rateCardPackageName" : "Package name",
"format" : "OOH",
"region" : "The region",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"nbrOfFacings" : 1000,
"nbrOfPaidFacings" : 900,
"nbrOfFreeFacings" : 100,
"nbrOfWeeks" : 2.0,
"rateCard" : 2000.0,
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 350,
"lastApprovalDate" : "2019-02-18",
"lastCancellationDate" : "2019-02-11",
"creativeId" : "Spring is coming",
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"numberOfFacings" : 30000,
"rateCardCost" : 2000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 10000.0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"numberOfFacings" : 30000,
"rateCardCost" : 2000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 10000.0
} ],
"operatingScreenHoursPerDay" : null,
"dayPartActiveHoursPerDay" : null,
"dayParts" : null,
"daysBought" : null,
"nbrScreens" : null,
"spotLengthSeconds" : null,
"paidSpotsPerScreenForPeriod" : null,
"freeSpotsPerScreenForPeriod" : null,
"digitalOohType" : null
} ],
"actualDetails" : [ {
"supplier" : "Supplier name",
"rateCardPackageName" : "Package name",
"format" : "OOH",
"region" : "The region",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"nbrOfFacings" : 1000,
"nbrOfPaidFacings" : 900,
"nbrOfFreeFacings" : 100,
"nbrOfWeeks" : 2.0,
"rateCard" : 2000.0,
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 350,
"lastApprovalDate" : "2019-02-18",
"lastCancellationDate" : "2019-02-11",
"creativeId" : "Spring is coming",
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"numberOfFacings" : 30000,
"rateCardCost" : 2000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 10000.0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"numberOfFacings" : 30000,
"rateCardCost" : 2000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 10000.0
} ],
"operatingScreenHoursPerDay" : null,
"dayPartActiveHoursPerDay" : null,
"dayParts" : null,
"daysBought" : null,
"nbrScreens" : null,
"spotLengthSeconds" : null,
"paidSpotsPerScreenForPeriod" : null,
"freeSpotsPerScreenForPeriod" : null,
"digitalOohType" : null
} ]
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/ooh/plans' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/ooh/plans' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.3.3. Get OOH Plan By ID
Get a single OOH plan for a campaign using GMP Campaign ID and Plan ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/ooh/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 6004
"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f7e",
"campaignId" : "5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"agencyRemuneration" : {
"percentOnNet" : 1.0,
"percentOnNetNet" : 1.0,
"fixedFee" : 100.0
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"numberOfFacings" : 30000,
"rateCardCost" : 2000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 10000.0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"numberOfFacings" : 30000,
"rateCardCost" : 2000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 10000.0
"oohType" : "STANDARD",
"planningDetails" : [ {
"supplier" : "Supplier name",
"rateCardPackageName" : "Package name",
"format" : "OOH",
"region" : "The region",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"nbrOfFacings" : 1000,
"nbrOfPaidFacings" : 900,
"nbrOfFreeFacings" : 100,
"nbrOfWeeks" : 2.0,
"rateCard" : 2000.0,
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 350,
"lastApprovalDate" : "2019-02-18",
"lastCancellationDate" : "2019-02-11",
"creativeId" : "Spring is coming",
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"numberOfFacings" : 30000,
"rateCardCost" : 2000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 10000.0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"numberOfFacings" : 30000,
"rateCardCost" : 2000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 10000.0
} ],
"operatingScreenHoursPerDay" : null,
"dayPartActiveHoursPerDay" : null,
"dayParts" : null,
"daysBought" : null,
"nbrScreens" : null,
"spotLengthSeconds" : null,
"paidSpotsPerScreenForPeriod" : null,
"freeSpotsPerScreenForPeriod" : null,
"digitalOohType" : null
} ],
"actualDetails" : [ {
"supplier" : "Supplier name",
"rateCardPackageName" : "Package name",
"format" : "OOH",
"region" : "The region",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"nbrOfFacings" : 1000,
"nbrOfPaidFacings" : 900,
"nbrOfFreeFacings" : 100,
"nbrOfWeeks" : 2.0,
"rateCard" : 2000.0,
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 350,
"lastApprovalDate" : "2019-02-18",
"lastCancellationDate" : "2019-02-11",
"creativeId" : "Spring is coming",
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"numberOfFacings" : 30000,
"rateCardCost" : 2000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 10000.0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1500.0,
"netNet" : 1000.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1000.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 12.987655,
"valueGainLoss" : 230.01,
"numberOfFacings" : 30000,
"rateCardCost" : 2000.0,
"discount" : 25.0,
"agencyCommission" : 33.333,
"productionAndSetupCost" : 10000.0
} ],
"operatingScreenHoursPerDay" : null,
"dayPartActiveHoursPerDay" : null,
"dayParts" : null,
"daysBought" : null,
"nbrScreens" : null,
"spotLengthSeconds" : null,
"paidSpotsPerScreenForPeriod" : null,
"freeSpotsPerScreenForPeriod" : null,
"digitalOohType" : null
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/ooh/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/ooh/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.4. Print
6.4.1. Print Plan model
All fields represented in a Print plan object
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
GMP ID for the Print Plan |
GMP ID for Campaign |
Campaign name |
Country code according to |
List of regions |
Brand name |
Plan status |
Print Plan start date |
Print Plan end date |
Fiscal year |
Agency name |
Currency according to |
PO Number |
Print Type (Enumeration value) |
Print Type |
Agency fees, can be only |
Percent on Net |
Percent on NetNet |
Fixed sum fee |
Addressable net net |
Non Addressable net net |
Addressable percent of net net |
Non Addressable percent of net net |
Summary of planned values |
Total planned Media rate card cost in Print plan |
Total planned Media net in Print plan |
Total planned net net in Print plan |
Total planned Addressable net net in Print plan |
Total planned Non Addressable net net in Print plan |
Total planned Addressable percent of net net in Print plan |
Total planned Non Addressable percent of net net in Print plan |
Total number of planned insertions in Print plan |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Summary of actual values |
Total actual Media rate card cost in Print plan |
Total actual Media net in Print plan |
Total actual net net in Print plan |
Total actual Addressable net net in Print plan |
Total actual Non Addressable net net in Print plan |
Total actual Addressable percent of net net in Print plan |
Total actual Non Addressable percent of net net in Print plan |
Total number of actual insertions in Print plan |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
List of planned Print Plan Details |
Title |
Sales House |
Publication Date |
Planned media rate card cost |
Planned media net |
Planned net net |
Planned Addressable net net |
Planned Non Addressable net net |
Planned Addressable percent of net net |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net |
Actual Position |
Placement |
Premium Position |
First in Category |
Format (Enumeration value) |
Format |
Specific format description if format enumeration has value 'OTHER'. Otherwise null |
Color (Enumeration value) |
Color |
Readership in thousands |
Total number of pages |
Last Approval Date |
Last Cancellation Date |
Creative ID |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Weeks for media plans. Only available for License Premium Periods |
Year for the week |
Month for the week |
Week number for the week |
Start Date for the week |
End Date for the week |
Planned Values for week |
Planned Media rate card cost for week |
Planned Media net for week |
Planned net net for week |
Planned Addressable net net |
Planned Non Addressable net net |
Planned Addressable percent of net net |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net |
Number of planned insertions for week |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual Values for week |
Actual Media rate card cost for week |
Actual Media net for week |
Actual net net for week |
Actual Addressable net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable net net for week |
Actual Addressable percent of net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net for week |
Number of actual insertions for week |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
List of actual Print Plan Details |
Title |
Sales House |
Publication Date |
Actual media rate card cost |
Actual media net |
Actual net net |
Actual Addressable net net |
Actual Non Addressable net net |
Actual Addressable percent of net net |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net |
Actual Position |
Placement |
Premium Position |
First in Category |
Format (Enumeration value) |
Format |
Specific format description if format enumeration has value 'OTHER'. Otherwise null |
Color (Enumeration value) |
Color |
Readership |
Total number of pages |
Last Approval Date |
Last Cancellation Date |
Creative ID |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Weeks for media plans. Only available for License Premium Periods |
Year for the week |
Month for the week |
Week number for the week |
Start Date for the week |
End Date for the week |
Planned Values for week |
Planned Media rate card cost for week |
Planned Media net for week |
Planned net net for week |
Planned Addressable net net for week |
Planned Non Addressable net net for week |
Planned Addressable percent of net net for week |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net for week |
Number of planned insertions for week |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual Values for week |
Actual Media rate card cost for week |
Actual Media net for week |
Actual net net for week |
Actual Addressable net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable net net for week |
Actual Addressable percent of net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net for week |
Number of actual insertions for week |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
6.4.2. Get Print Plans for Campaign
Get all Print plans for a specific Campaign using GMP Campaign ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ee42ea/print/plans HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 8232
[ {
"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c98f7e",
"campaignId" : "5bade5a3fb512a0003ee42ea",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"agencyRemuneration" : {
"percentOnNet" : 1.0,
"percentOnNetNet" : 1.0,
"fixedFee" : 100.0
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
"printType" : "MAGAZINE",
"printTypeText" : "Print - Magazine",
"planningDetails" : [ {
"title" : "Test Magazine",
"salesHouse" : "The Sales House",
"publicationDate" : "2019-03-03",
"rateCard" : 900,
"net" : 900,
"netNet" : 900,
"addressableNetNet" : 900.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
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"firstInCategory" : false,
"format" : "OTHER",
"formatText" : "other",
"otherFormat" : "Insel Ad",
"color" : "BW",
"colorText" : "Black/White",
"readership" : 100000,
"totalNumberOfPages" : 40,
"lastApprovalDate" : "2019-01-10",
"lastCancellationDate" : "2019-01-20",
"creativeId" : "",
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
} ]
}, {
"title" : "Specialized Magazine",
"salesHouse" : "The Sales House",
"publicationDate" : "2019-03-03",
"rateCard" : 900,
"net" : 900,
"netNet" : 900,
"addressableNetNet" : 900.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
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"color" : "BW",
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"totalNumberOfPages" : 40,
"lastApprovalDate" : "2019-01-10",
"lastCancellationDate" : "2019-01-20",
"creativeId" : "",
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
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"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
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"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
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"publicationDate" : "2019-03-03",
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"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
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"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
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"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
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"publicationDate" : "2019-03-03",
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"net" : 900,
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"totalNumberOfPages" : 40,
"lastApprovalDate" : "2019-01-10",
"lastCancellationDate" : "2019-01-20",
"creativeId" : "",
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
} ]
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} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ee42ea/print/plans' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ee42ea/print/plans' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.4.3. Get Print Plan by ID
Get a specific Print plan using GMP Campaign ID and Print Plan ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ee42ea/print/plans/5c41f5922944030003c98f7e HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 8228
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"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"agencyRemuneration" : {
"percentOnNet" : 1.0,
"percentOnNetNet" : 1.0,
"fixedFee" : 100.0
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
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"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
"printType" : "MAGAZINE",
"printTypeText" : "Print - Magazine",
"planningDetails" : [ {
"title" : "Test Magazine",
"salesHouse" : "The Sales House",
"publicationDate" : "2019-03-03",
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"periods" : [ {
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"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
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"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
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"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
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"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
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"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
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"numberOfInsertions" : 2
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"salesHouse" : "The Sales House",
"publicationDate" : "2019-03-03",
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"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
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"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
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"lastCancellationDate" : "2019-01-20",
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"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
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"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
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"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
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"title" : "Specialized Magazine",
"salesHouse" : "The Sales House",
"publicationDate" : "2019-03-03",
"rateCard" : 900,
"net" : 900,
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"totalNumberOfPages" : 40,
"lastApprovalDate" : "2019-01-10",
"lastCancellationDate" : "2019-01-20",
"creativeId" : "",
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 7.456645,
"valueGainLoss" : 120.1,
"rateCard" : 1800.0,
"numberOfInsertions" : 2
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$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ee42ea/print/plans/5c41f5922944030003c98f7e' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ee42ea/print/plans/5c41f5922944030003c98f7e' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.4.4. Code Tables
Print Colors
List available/accepted Print Color values.
GET /api/v1/print/metadata/color HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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"value" : "COLOR",
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"value" : "BW",
"label" : "Black/White"
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$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/print/metadata/color' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/print/metadata/color' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
Print Data Types
List available/accepted Data Types.
GET /api/v1/print/metadata/data-type HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 122
[ {
"value" : "PLANNING_DATA",
"label" : "PLANNING_DATA"
}, {
"value" : "ACTUAL_DATA",
"label" : "ACTUAL_DATA"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/print/metadata/data-type' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/print/metadata/data-type' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
Print Insertion Formats
List available/accepted Print Insertion formats.
GET /api/v1/print/metadata/insertion-format HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
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"value" : "ONE_OVER_ONE",
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"value" : "ONE_OVER_TWO",
"label" : "1/2"
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"value" : "ONE_OVER_FOUR",
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"value" : "ONE_OVER_EIGHT",
"label" : "1/8"
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"value" : "ONE_OVER_SIXTEEN",
"label" : "1/16"
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"value" : "OTHER",
"label" : "other"
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$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/print/metadata/insertion-format' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/print/metadata/insertion-format' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
Print Publication Types
List available/accepted Print Publication types.
GET /api/v1/print/metadata/publication-type HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 292
[ {
"label" : "Print - Newspaper (National)"
}, {
"label" : "Print - Newspaper (Regional)"
}, {
"value" : "MAGAZINE",
"label" : "Print - Magazine"
}, {
"value" : "TRADE_PRESS",
"label" : "Print - Trade Press"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/print/metadata/publication-type' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/print/metadata/publication-type' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.5. Digital
6.5.1. Digital Plan model
All fields represented for a Digital Plan
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
GMP ID for the DIGITAL Plan |
GMP ID for Campaign |
Campaign name |
Country code according to |
List of regions |
Brand name |
Plan status |
Plan start date |
Plan end date |
Fiscal year |
Agency name |
Currency according to |
Purchase Order Number |
Ad Verification Partner |
Addressable net net |
Non Addressable net net |
Addressable percent of net net |
Non Addressable percent of net net |
Summary of planned values |
Total planned net net in plan |
Total planned Addressable net net in plan |
Total planned Non Addressable net net in plan |
Total planned Addressable percent of net net in plan |
Total planned Non Addressable percent of net net in plan |
Total number of planned served impressions |
Total number of planned measurable impressions |
Total number of planned viewable impressions (client definition) |
Total number of planned viewable impressions (IAB definition) |
Total number of planned video views |
Total planned Click Through Rate in percent |
Total number of planned registered clicks |
Total number of planned registered leads |
Total number of planned registered actions |
Total number of planned registered engagements |
Total number of planned followers |
Planned video played 25% (first quartile completions) |
Planned video played 25% rate |
Planned video played 50% (midpoint) |
Planned video played 50% rate |
Planned video played 75% (third quartile completions) |
Planned video played 75% rate |
Planned video played 100% (completions) |
Planned video played 100% (completion) rate |
Total number of impressions delivered according to client quality definition |
Total number of unique ip addresses reached by impressions |
Total amount of visits from this target group |
Revenue expected from the investment |
Amount of visits according to quality definition. Mandatory if |
Total number of impressions according to Iab standard. Based no responses from an ad delivery system to an ad request from the user’s browser. |
Total number of non ad fraudulent impressions |
Total number of brand safe impressions |
Value gain/loss vs CG in Percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Summary of actual values |
Total actual net net in plan |
Total actual Addressable net net in plan |
Total actual Non Addressable net net in plan |
Total actual Addressable percent of net net in plan |
Total actual Non Addressable percent of net net in plan |
Total number of served impressions |
Total number of measurable impressions |
Total number of viewable impressions (client definition) |
Total number of viewable impressions (IAB definition) |
Total number of video views |
Total Click Through Rate in percent |
Total of actual registered clicks |
Total of actual registered leads |
Total of actual registered actions |
Total of actual registered engagements |
Total of actual followers |
Video played 25% (first quartile completions) |
Video played 25% rate |
Video played 50% (midpoint) |
Video played 50% rate |
Video played 75% (third quartile completions) |
Video played 75% rate |
Video played 100% (completions) |
Video played 100% (completion) rate |
Total number of impressions delivered according to client quality definition |
Total number of unique ip addresses reached by impressions |
Total amount of visits from all sites on this plan |
Total revenue expected |
Total amount of visits according to quality definition. Mandatory if |
Total number of impressions according to Iab standard. Based no responses from an ad delivery system to an ad request from the user’s browser. |
Total number of non ad fraudulent impressions |
Total number of brand safe impressions |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
A List of site groups, each with the accumulated values for the sites that have matching parameters |
Name of sites matching this group |
Targeting for the campaign |
Target classes used for the campaign. From FY 2019, target classification is required if targeting has been added |
Main media type |
Format type |
Buy Type |
Core planning KPI |
Target Platform |
Weeks for media plans. Only available for License Premium Periods |
Year for the week |
Month for the week |
Week number for the week |
Start Date for the week |
End Date for the week |
Planned Values for week |
Planned net net for week |
Planned Addressable net net for week |
Planned Non Addressable net net for week |
Planned Addressable percent of net net for week |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net for week |
Number of planned served impressions for week |
Number of planned measurable impressions for week |
Number of planned viewable impressions (client definition) for week |
Number of planned viewable impressions (IAB definition) for week |
Number of planned video views for week |
Planned Click Through Rate in percent for week |
Number of planned registered clicks for week |
Number of planned registered leads for week |
Number of planned registered actions for week |
Number of planned registered engagements for week |
Number of planned followers for week |
Planned video played 25% (first quartile completions) for week |
Planned video played 25% rate for week |
Planned video played 50% (midpoint) for week |
Planned video played 50% rate for week |
Planned video played 75% (third quartile completions) for week |
Planned video played 75% rate for week |
Planned video played 100% (completions) for week |
Planned video played 100% (completion) rate for week |
Total number of impressions delivered according to client quality definition for week |
Total number of unique ip addresses reached by impressions for week |
Total amount of visits for this site group for week |
Total revenue for this site group for week |
Total amount of visits according to quality definition for week |
Total number of non ad fraudulent impressions |
Total number of brand safe impressions |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual Values for week |
Actual net net for week |
Actual Addressable net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable net net for week |
Actual Addressable percent of net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net for week |
Number of served impressions for week |
Number of measurable impressions for week |
Number of viewable impressions (client definition) for week |
Number of viewable impressions (IAB definition) for week |
Number of video views for week |
Click Through Rate in percent for week |
Actual registered clicks for week |
Actual registered leads for week |
Actual registered actions for week |
Actual registered engagements for week |
Actual registered followers for week |
Video played 25% (first quartile completions) for week |
Video played 25% rate for week |
Video played 50% (midpoint) for week |
Video played 50% rate for week |
Video played 75% (third quartile completions) for week |
Video played 75% rate for week |
Video played 100% (completions) for week |
Video played 100% (completion) rate for week |
Total number of impressions delivered according to client quality definition for week |
Total number of unique ip addresses reached by impressions for week |
Total amount of visits for this site group for week |
Total revenue for this site group for week |
Total amount of visits according to quality definition for week |
Total number of non ad fraudulent impressions |
Total number of brand safe impressions |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Planned values |
Planned net net |
Actual Addressable net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable net net for week |
Actual Addressable percent of net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net for week |
Number of planned served impressions |
Number of planned measurable impressions |
Total number of planned viewable impressions (client definition) |
Total number of planned viewable impressions (IAB definition) |
Number of planned video views |
Planned Click Through Rate in percent |
Number of planned registered clicks |
Number of planned registered leads |
Number of planned registered actions |
Number of planned registered engagements |
Number of planned followers |
Total number of planned non ad fraudulent impressions |
Total number of planned brand safe impressions |
Planned video played 25% (first quartile completions) |
Planned video played 25% rate |
Planned video played 50% (midpoint) |
Planned video played 50% rate |
Planned video played 75% (third quartile completions) |
Planned video played 75% rate |
Planned video played 100% (completions) |
Planned video played 100% (completion) rate |
Total number of impressions delivered according to client quality definition |
Total number of unique ip addresses reached by impressions |
Total amount of visits for this site group |
Total revenue for this site group |
Total amount of visits according to quality definition. Mandatory if |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual values |
Actual net net |
Actual Addressable net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable net net for week |
Actual Addressable percent of net net for week |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net for week |
Number of served impressions |
Number of measurable impressions |
Total number of viewable impressions (client definition |
Total number of viewable impressions (IAB definition |
Number of video views |
Click Through Rate in percent |
Number of registered clicks |
Number of registered leads |
Number of registered actions |
Number of registered engagements |
Number of followers |
Total number of non ad fraudulent impressions |
Total number of brand safe impressions |
Video played 25% (first quartile completions) |
Video played 25% rate |
Video played 50% (midpoint) |
Video played 50% rate |
Video played 75% (third quartile completions) |
Video played 75% rate |
Video played 100% (completions) |
Video played 100% (completion) rate |
Total number of impressions delivered according to client quality definition |
Total number of unique ip addresses reached by impressions |
Total amount of visits for this site group |
Total revenue for this site group |
Total amount of visits according to quality definition. |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
6.5.2. Get Digital Plans for Campaign
Get all Digital plans for a single campaign using GMP Campaign ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/plans HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 7291
[ {
"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f77",
"campaignId" : "578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"plannedSummary" : {
"netNet" : 1500.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1500.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 2.345622,
"valueGainLoss" : 302.012,
"servedImpressions" : 1300500,
"measurableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressionsIab" : 1200300,
"videoViews" : 0,
"ctr" : 3.2,
"clicks" : 90000,
"leads" : 0,
"actions" : 0,
"engagements" : 0,
"followers" : 0,
"videoPlayed25" : 0,
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"revenue" : null,
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"videoPlayed100Rate" : 0,
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"uniqueImpressions" : null,
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"brandSafeImpressions" : 500000
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"targetClassification" : [ "DEMOGRAPHIC" ],
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"platform" : "MULTISCREEN",
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"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
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"week" : 11,
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"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
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"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
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"videoPlayed100Rate" : 0,
"qualityImpressions" : null,
"uniqueImpressions" : null,
"visits" : null,
"revenue" : null,
"qualityVisits" : null,
"nonAdFraudulentImpressions" : 500000,
"brandSafeImpressions" : 500000
"actualSummary" : {
"netNet" : 1500.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1500.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 2.345622,
"valueGainLoss" : 302.012,
"servedImpressions" : 1300500,
"measurableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressionsIab" : 1200300,
"videoViews" : 0,
"ctr" : 3.2,
"clicks" : 90000,
"leads" : 0,
"actions" : 0,
"engagements" : 0,
"followers" : 0,
"videoPlayed25" : 0,
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"videoPlayed50" : 0,
"videoPlayed50Rate" : 0,
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"videoPlayed75Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed100" : 0,
"videoPlayed100Rate" : 0,
"qualityImpressions" : null,
"uniqueImpressions" : null,
"visits" : null,
"revenue" : null,
"qualityVisits" : null,
"nonAdFraudulentImpressions" : 500000,
"brandSafeImpressions" : 500000
} ]
} ],
"adVerificationPartner" : "Ad Verification Partner"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/plans' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/plans' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.5.3. Get Digital Plan By ID
Get a single Digital plan for a campaign using GMP Campaign ID and Plan ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f77 HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 7287
"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f77",
"campaignId" : "578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"plannedSummary" : {
"netNet" : 1500.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1500.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 2.345622,
"valueGainLoss" : 302.012,
"servedImpressions" : 1300500,
"measurableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressionsIab" : 1200300,
"videoViews" : 0,
"ctr" : 3.2,
"clicks" : 90000,
"leads" : 0,
"actions" : 0,
"engagements" : 0,
"followers" : 0,
"videoPlayed25" : 0,
"videoPlayed25Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed50" : 0,
"videoPlayed50Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed75" : 0,
"videoPlayed75Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed100" : 0,
"videoPlayed100Rate" : 0,
"qualityImpressions" : null,
"uniqueImpressions" : null,
"visits" : null,
"revenue" : null,
"qualityVisits" : null,
"nonAdFraudulentImpressions" : 500000,
"brandSafeImpressions" : 500000
"actualSummary" : {
"netNet" : 1500.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1500.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 2.345622,
"valueGainLoss" : 302.012,
"servedImpressions" : 1300500,
"measurableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressionsIab" : 1200300,
"videoViews" : 0,
"ctr" : 3.2,
"clicks" : 90000,
"leads" : 0,
"actions" : 0,
"engagements" : 0,
"followers" : 0,
"videoPlayed25" : 0,
"videoPlayed25Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed50" : 0,
"videoPlayed50Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed75" : 0,
"videoPlayed75Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed100" : 0,
"videoPlayed100Rate" : 0,
"qualityImpressions" : null,
"uniqueImpressions" : null,
"visits" : null,
"revenue" : null,
"qualityVisits" : null,
"nonAdFraudulentImpressions" : 500000,
"brandSafeImpressions" : 500000
"siteGroups" : [ {
"siteName" : "Site Name",
"targeting" : "A20-99",
"targetClassification" : [ "DEMOGRAPHIC" ],
"mediaType" : "VIDEO",
"adFormat" : "PRE_ROLL",
"corePlanningKpi" : "CPM",
"platform" : "MULTISCREEN",
"plannedValues" : {
"netNet" : 1500.0,
"servedImpressions" : 1300500,
"measurableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressionsIab" : 1200300,
"videoViews" : 0,
"ctr" : 3.2,
"clicks" : 90000,
"leads" : 0,
"actions" : 0,
"engagements" : 0,
"followers" : 0,
"videoPlayed25" : 0,
"videoPlayed25Rate" : 0,
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"videoPlayed50Rate" : 0,
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"videoPlayed75Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed100" : 0,
"videoPlayed100Rate" : 0,
"qualityImpressions" : null,
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"revenue" : null,
"qualityVisits" : null,
"nonAdFraudulentImpressions" : 0,
"brandSafeImpressions" : 0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1500.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 2.345622,
"valueGainLoss" : 302.012
"actualValues" : {
"netNet" : 1500.0,
"servedImpressions" : 1300500,
"measurableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressionsIab" : 1200300,
"videoViews" : 0,
"ctr" : 3.2,
"clicks" : 90000,
"leads" : 0,
"actions" : 0,
"engagements" : 0,
"followers" : 0,
"videoPlayed25" : 0,
"videoPlayed25Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed50" : 0,
"videoPlayed50Rate" : 0,
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"videoPlayed75Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed100" : 0,
"videoPlayed100Rate" : 0,
"qualityImpressions" : null,
"uniqueImpressions" : null,
"visits" : null,
"revenue" : null,
"qualityVisits" : null,
"nonAdFraudulentImpressions" : 0,
"brandSafeImpressions" : 0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1500.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 2.345622,
"valueGainLoss" : 302.012
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"netNet" : 1500.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1500.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 2.345622,
"valueGainLoss" : 302.012,
"servedImpressions" : 1300500,
"measurableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressionsIab" : 1200300,
"videoViews" : 0,
"ctr" : 3.2,
"clicks" : 90000,
"leads" : 0,
"actions" : 0,
"engagements" : 0,
"followers" : 0,
"videoPlayed25" : 0,
"videoPlayed25Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed50" : 0,
"videoPlayed50Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed75" : 0,
"videoPlayed75Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed100" : 0,
"videoPlayed100Rate" : 0,
"qualityImpressions" : null,
"uniqueImpressions" : null,
"visits" : null,
"revenue" : null,
"qualityVisits" : null,
"nonAdFraudulentImpressions" : 500000,
"brandSafeImpressions" : 500000
"actualSummary" : {
"netNet" : 1500.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1500.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 2.345622,
"valueGainLoss" : 302.012,
"servedImpressions" : 1300500,
"measurableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressions" : 1200300,
"viewableImpressionsIab" : 1200300,
"videoViews" : 0,
"ctr" : 3.2,
"clicks" : 90000,
"leads" : 0,
"actions" : 0,
"engagements" : 0,
"followers" : 0,
"videoPlayed25" : 0,
"videoPlayed25Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed50" : 0,
"videoPlayed50Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed75" : 0,
"videoPlayed75Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed100" : 0,
"videoPlayed100Rate" : 0,
"qualityImpressions" : null,
"uniqueImpressions" : null,
"visits" : null,
"revenue" : null,
"qualityVisits" : null,
"nonAdFraudulentImpressions" : 500000,
"brandSafeImpressions" : 500000
} ]
} ],
"adVerificationPartner" : "Ad Verification Partner"
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f77' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f77' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.5.4. Digital Site model
All fields represented for a Digital Site object
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
Transaction key. If the key has already been used for a successful transmission of data the result of that upload will be returned, otherwise they payload is accepted and a new result returned |
List of Digital Sites to register in GMP |
Site name or URL |
Campaign ID used on your side |
Site ID on your side |
Creative used |
Start date for this site purchase |
End date for this site purchase |
Ad Verification Partner, one Ad Verification Partner per campaign is allowed |
Targeting for this site purchase |
List of Targeting Classification according to |
Main media type (Social, Video, Display) according to |
Platform according to |
Buy type according to |
Ad format according to |
Placement ID |
Placement on page |
Size in pixels WxH, can be several sizes separated by comma (,) |
How the purchase should be followed up according to |
How the purchase was bought according to |
How the Kpi is defined |
Currency according to |
Amount paid in specified currency |
Number of served impressions tracked by ad server, integer. |
The number of served impressions that allow for verification of tracking variables such viewability (cannot be more than served). |
Number of viewable impressions, or video views if |
Total number of impressions according to Iab standard. Based no responses from an ad delivery system to an ad request from the user’s browser. |
Total number of video views according to definition in |
How a view on a video is defined if |
Total number of impressions delivered according to client quality definition |
Total number of unique ip addresses reached by impressions |
Total number of non ad fraudulent impressions |
Total number of brand safe impressions |
Number of Clicks as an integer, Mandatory if |
Number of Actions. Mandatory if |
Number of Engagements. Mandatory if |
Number of Followers. Mandatory if |
Number of Leads. Mandatory if |
If |
Amount of visits according to quality definition. Mandatory if |
Total amount of visits. Mandatory if |
Revenue expected from the investment. Mandatory if |
Score given by search engines, used for |
Average length of video played in seconds |
Number of videos played 25% through |
Percent of number of videos played 25% through out of the total video views |
Number of videos played 50% through |
Percent of number of videos played 50% through out of the total video views |
Number of videos played 75% through |
Percent of number of videos played 75% through out of the total video views |
Number of videos played 100% through |
Percent of number of videos played 100% through out of the total video views |
Total amount of people in the target group |
Reach within target audience as a percent |
Frequency within target audience |
Fee of management for purchase |
Cost paid for data fees for purchase |
Cost paid for technology fees for purchase |
Cost paid to Ad server for purchase |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
6.5.5. Get Digital Sites for Campaign
GET /api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/digital-sites HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2191
[ {
"siteName" : "Instagram",
"externalCampaignId" : "ext-campaign-id-5555555",
"siteId" : "ext-siteId-123456789",
"creativeAdName" : "The Ad name",
"startDate" : "2018-01-01",
"endDate" : "2018-01-31",
"targeting" : "A18-25",
"targetingClassifications" : [ "DEMOGRAPHIC" ],
"mediaType" : "SOCIAL",
"platform" : "MULTISCREEN",
"buyType" : "SELF_SERVICE",
"adFormat" : "SOCIAL_IMAGE",
"placementId" : "abc123",
"placementName" : "The Name of the placement",
"unitSize" : "640x360",
"corePlanningKpi" : "CPM",
"costType" : "CPM",
"kpiDefinition" : "test",
"adVerificationPartner" : "Ad Partner",
"currency" : "SEK",
"netNet" : 500,
"servedImpressions" : 100000,
"measurableImpressions" : 80000,
"viewableImpressions" : 90000,
"viewableImpressionsIab" : 91000,
"videoViews" : 0,
"videoViewDefinition" : "definition",
"qualityImpressions" : 0,
"uniqueImpressions" : 0,
"clicks" : 0,
"actions" : 0,
"engagements" : 0,
"followers" : 0,
"leads" : 0,
"costTypeUnits" : 0,
"qualityVisits" : 0,
"visits" : 0,
"revenue" : 0,
"qualityScore" : 0,
"brandSafeImpressions" : 0,
"nonAdFraudulentImpressions" : 0,
"videoAverageDuration" : "0.000",
"videoPlayed25" : 0,
"videoPlayed25Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed50" : 0,
"videoPlayed50Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed75" : 0,
"videoPlayed75Rate" : 0,
"videoPlayed100" : 0,
"videoPlayed100Rate" : 0,
"universeSize" : 0,
"reach" : 0,
"frequency" : 0,
"managementFee" : 0,
"dataCost" : 0,
"techCost" : 0,
"adServerCost" : 0,
"adServer" : "SIZMEK",
"campaignName" : "Test Campaign",
"campaignId" : "578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02",
"planId" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f77",
"corePlanningKpiText" : "CPM",
"mediaTypeText" : "Social",
"platformText" : "Multi screen",
"adFormatText" : "Social Image",
"buyTypeText" : "Self Service",
"costTypeText" : "CPM",
"adServerText" : "Sizmek",
"targetClassificationText" : "Demographic",
"dataType" : "Actual",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : null,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"valueGainLossPercent" : -3.435665,
"valueGainLoss" : -102.441
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/digital-sites' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/digital-sites' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.5.6. Upload Digital sites to existing Campaign
Upload Digital sites to an existing Campaign. After upload, you can Check upload status described below. Uploaded sites are appended to the campaign’s existing sites. It is possible to remove all sites for a campaign via Remove Digital sites from existing Campaign
PUT /api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/digital-sites HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Content-Length: 2060
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
"idempotencyKey": "23089234098-DRXTS-345",
"digitalSites": [
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"externalCampaignId": "ext-campaignId-555555",
"siteId": "ext-siteId-123456789",
"creativeAdName": "The Ad Name",
"startDate": "2018-01-01",
"endDate": "2018-01-31",
"targeting": "A18-25",
"targetingClassifications": ["DEMOGRAPHIC"],
"mediaType": "SOCIAL",
"platform": "MULTISCREEN",
"buyType": "SELF_SERVICE",
"adFormat": "SOCIAL_IMAGE",
"placementId": "abc123",
"placementName": "The Name of the placement",
"unitSize": "640x360",
"corePlanningKpi": "CPM",
"costType": "CPM",
"kpiDefinition": "KPI Definition",
"currency": "SEK",
"netNet": 500,
"servedImpressions": 100000,
"measurableImpressions": 90000,
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"viewableImpressionsIab": 80000,
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"brandSafeImpressions": 70000,
"videoViews": 0,
"videoViewDefinition": "Video View Definition",
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"videoPlayed25Rate": 0.000,
"videoPlayed50": 0.000,
"videoPlayed50Rate": 0.000,
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"frequency": 0.000,
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"techCost": 0.000,
"adServerCost": 0.000,
"adVerificationPartner" : "Ad Verification Partner"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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"created" : "2025-03-03T10:43:46.895Z",
"percentDone" : 0.0,
"state" : "PENDING",
"errors" : [ ],
"campaignId" : "578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02",
"planIds" : [ "48ee3d1872484542913cc85f" ],
"campaignIds" : null
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/digital-sites' -i -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-d '{
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"digitalSites": [
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"kpiDefinition": "KPI Definition",
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"adServerCost": 0.000,
"adVerificationPartner" : "Ad Verification Partner"
}' | http PUT 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/digital-sites' \
'Content-Type:application/json' \
6.5.7. Upload Digital sites and create new Campaign
Upload Digital sites and create a Campaign. After upload, you can Check upload status described below. Note that the campaign can have other media types as well as digital. See Upload Campaigns for more details.
PUT /api/v1/campaigns/digital/digital-sites HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Content-Length: 2745
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
"idempotencyKey": "23089234098-DRXTS-345",
"campaign": {
"name": "Springtime Campaign",
"startDate": "2018-04-01",
"endDate": "2018-05-15",
"countryCode": "SE",
"brand": "Brand Name",
"fiscalYear": 2018,
"regions": ["South"],
"externalIds": [ {
"externalProvider": "theAdServer",
"externalId": "ADS-1293493i34_SE"
} ],
"mediaTypes": ["DIGITAL"],
"digitalTypes": [{"briefedBudget": 55000.00}],
"businessObjectives": "Business objectives for campaign",
"advertisingObjectives": "Advertiser objectives for campaign",
"campaignObjectives": "The campaign objectives"
"digitalSites": [
"siteName": "Instagram",
"externalCampaignId": "ext-campaignId-555555",
"siteId": "ext-siteId-123456789",
"creativeAdName": "The Ad Name",
"startDate": "2018-01-01",
"endDate": "2018-01-31",
"targeting": "A18-25",
"targetingClassifications": ["DEMOGRAPHIC"],
"mediaType": "SOCIAL",
"platform": "MULTISCREEN",
"buyType": "SELF_SERVICE",
"adFormat": "SOCIAL_IMAGE",
"placementId": "abc123",
"placementName": "The Name of the placement",
"unitSize": "640x360",
"corePlanningKpi": "CPM",
"costType": "CPM",
"kpiDefinition": "KPI Definition",
"currency": "SEK",
"netNet": 500,
"servedImpressions": 100000,
"measurableImpressions": 90000,
"viewableImpressions": 80000,
"viewableImpressionsIab": 80000,
"nonAdFraudulentImpressions": 70000,
"brandSafeImpressions": 70000,
"videoViews": 0,
"videoViewDefinition": "Video View Definition",
"qualityImpressions": 0,
"uniqueImpressions": 0,
"clicks": 400,
"actions": 0.000,
"engagements": 0.000,
"followers": 0.000,
"leads": 0.000,
"costTypeUnits": 0.000,
"qualityVisits": 0.000,
"visits": 0.000,
"revenue": 0.000,
"qualityScore": 0.000,
"videoAverageDuration": "0.000",
"videoPlayed25": 0.000,
"videoPlayed25Rate": 0.000,
"videoPlayed50": 0.000,
"videoPlayed50Rate": 0.000,
"videoPlayed75": 0.000,
"videoPlayed75Rate": 0.000,
"videoPlayed100": 0.000,
"videoPlayed100Rate": 0.000,
"universeSize": 0,
"reach": 0.000,
"frequency": 0.000,
"managementFee": 0.000,
"dataCost": 0.000,
"techCost": 0.000,
"adServerCost": 0.000,
"adVerificationPartner": "Ad Verification Partner"
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
Transaction key. If the key has already been used for a successful transmission of data the result of that upload will be returned, otherwise they payload is accepted and a new result returned |
Campaign that will be created together with digital plan. Note that the campaign can have other media types |
Campaign name |
Start date of the Campaign |
End date of the Campaign |
Regions for the Campaign |
Country code according to |
Brand name |
Fiscal year of the campaign |
List of external ID key/value pairs |
Key for the external ID |
Value for external ID |
All Media Types used in the Campaign. If empty, mediaType DIGITAL will de defaulted. |
Details for Digital plans in the campaign |
Briefed budget for the plan. Currency is that of the campaign’s country. If omitted, briefedBudget will be 0 |
The business objectives for the campaign |
The advertising objectives for the campaign |
The campaign objectives |
List of Digital Sites to register in GMP |
Site name or URL |
Campaign ID used on your side |
Site ID on your side |
Creative used |
Start date for this site purchase |
End date for this site purchase |
Ad Verification Partner |
Targeting for this site purchase |
List of Targeting Classification according to |
Main media type (Social, Video, Display) according to |
Platform according to |
Buy type according to |
Ad format according to |
Placement ID |
Placement on page |
Size in pixels WxH, can be several sizes separated by comma (,) |
How the purchase should be followed up according to |
How the purchase was bought according to |
How the Kpi is defined |
Currency according to |
Amount paid in specified currency |
Number of served impressions tracked by ad server, integer. |
The number of served impressions that allow for verification of tracking variables such viewability (cannot be more than served). |
Number of viewable impressions, or video views if |
Total number of impressions according to Iab standard. Based no responses from an ad delivery system to an ad request from the user’s browser. |
Total number of video views according to definition in |
How a view on a video is defined if |
Total number of impressions delivered according to client quality definition |
Total number of unique ip addresses reached by impressions |
Total number of non ad fraudulent impressions |
Total number of brand safe impressions |
Number of Clicks as an integer, Mandatory if |
Number of Actions. Mandatory if |
Number of Engagements. Mandatory if |
Number of Followers. Mandatory if |
Number of Leads. Mandatory if |
If |
Amount of visits according to quality definition. Mandatory if |
Total amount of visits. Mandatory if |
Revenue expected from the investment. Mandatory if |
Score given by search engines, used for |
Average length of video played in seconds |
Number of videos played 25% through |
Percent of number of videos played 25% through out of the total video views |
Number of videos played 50% through |
Percent of number of videos played 50% through out of the total video views |
Number of videos played 75% through |
Percent of number of videos played 75% through out of the total video views |
Number of videos played 100% through |
Percent of number of videos played 100% through out of the total video views |
Total amount of people in the target group |
Reach within target audience as a percent |
Frequency within target audience |
Fee of management for purchase |
Cost paid for data fees for purchase |
Cost paid for technology fees for purchase |
Cost paid to Ad server for purchase |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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"errors" : [ ],
"campaignId" : null,
"planIds" : [ ],
"campaignIds" : null
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-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
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"campaign": {
"name": "Springtime Campaign",
"startDate": "2018-04-01",
"endDate": "2018-05-15",
"countryCode": "SE",
"brand": "Brand Name",
"fiscalYear": 2018,
"regions": ["South"],
"externalIds": [ {
"externalProvider": "theAdServer",
"externalId": "ADS-1293493i34_SE"
} ],
"mediaTypes": ["DIGITAL"],
"digitalTypes": [{"briefedBudget": 55000.00}],
"businessObjectives": "Business objectives for campaign",
"advertisingObjectives": "Advertiser objectives for campaign",
"campaignObjectives": "The campaign objectives"
"digitalSites": [
"siteName": "Instagram",
"externalCampaignId": "ext-campaignId-555555",
"siteId": "ext-siteId-123456789",
"creativeAdName": "The Ad Name",
"startDate": "2018-01-01",
"endDate": "2018-01-31",
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"mediaType": "SOCIAL",
"platform": "MULTISCREEN",
"buyType": "SELF_SERVICE",
"adFormat": "SOCIAL_IMAGE",
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"corePlanningKpi": "CPM",
"costType": "CPM",
"kpiDefinition": "KPI Definition",
"currency": "SEK",
"netNet": 500,
"servedImpressions": 100000,
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"nonAdFraudulentImpressions": 70000,
"brandSafeImpressions": 70000,
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"brand": "Brand Name",
"fiscalYear": 2018,
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"businessObjectives": "Business objectives for campaign",
"advertisingObjectives": "Advertiser objectives for campaign",
"campaignObjectives": "The campaign objectives"
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"externalCampaignId": "ext-campaignId-555555",
"siteId": "ext-siteId-123456789",
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"adVerificationPartner": "Ad Verification Partner"
}' | http PUT 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/digital/digital-sites' \
'Content-Type:application/json' \
6.5.8. Remove Digital sites from existing Campaign
DELETE /api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/digital-sites HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
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"state" : "COMPLETED",
"errors" : [ ],
"campaignId" : "578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02",
"planIds" : [ "09091cca267342c2a1ac3383" ],
"campaignIds" : null
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/digital-sites' -i -X DELETE \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851'
$ http DELETE 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/578f5d2be4b0f4e880a76f02/digital/digital-sites' \
'Content-Type:application/json' \
6.5.9. Code Tables
Digital Targeting Classification
List available/accepted Digital Targeting Classification values.
GET /api/v1/digital/metadata/targeting HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 234
[ {
"value" : "BEHAVIORAL",
"label" : "BEHAVIORAL"
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"value" : "DEMOGRAPHIC",
"label" : "DEMOGRAPHIC"
}, {
"value" : "GEOGRAPHICAL",
"label" : "GEOGRAPHICAL"
}, {
"value" : "RETARGETING",
"label" : "RETARGETING"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/digital/metadata/targeting' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/digital/metadata/targeting' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
Digital Media Type
List available/accepted Digital Media Type values.
GET /api/v1/digital/metadata/media-type HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 510
[ {
"value" : "DISPLAY",
"label" : "DISPLAY"
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"value" : "VIDEO",
"label" : "VIDEO"
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"value" : "SOCIAL",
"label" : "SOCIAL"
}, {
"value" : "AUDIO",
"label" : "AUDIO"
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"value" : "SEARCH",
"label" : "SEARCH"
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"value" : "NATIVE",
"label" : "NATIVE"
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"value" : "E_COMMERCE",
"label" : "E_COMMERCE"
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"value" : "BVOD",
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"value" : "SVOD",
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$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/digital/metadata/media-type' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/digital/metadata/media-type' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
Digital Platform
List available/accepted Digital Platform values.
GET /api/v1/digital/metadata/platform HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 284
[ {
"value" : "DESKTOP",
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"value" : "MOBILE",
"label" : "MOBILE"
}, {
"value" : "CONNECTED_TV",
"label" : "CONNECTED_TV"
}, {
"value" : "CONNECTED_AUDIO",
}, {
"value" : "MULTISCREEN",
"label" : "MULTISCREEN"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/digital/metadata/platform' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/digital/metadata/platform' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
Digital Format Type
List available/accepted Digital Format Types.
GET /api/v1/digital/metadata/format-type HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
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"value" : "CLICK_TO_PLAY_VIDEO",
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"value" : "IMAGE",
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"value" : "SINGLE_IMAGE",
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"value" : "SOCIAL_IMAGE",
"label" : "SOCIAL_IMAGE"
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"value" : "SOCIAL_VIDEO",
"label" : "SOCIAL_VIDEO"
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"value" : "STANDARD_MEDIA",
"label" : "STANDARD_MEDIA"
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"value" : "TRUEVIEW",
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"value" : "MASTHEAD",
"label" : "MASTHEAD"
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"value" : "VIDEO_IN_STREAM",
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"label" : "NATIVE_VIDEO"
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"value" : "BLOG",
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"value" : "SEARCH",
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"value" : "STORIES",
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"value" : "VIDEO_TAKEOVER",
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"value" : "TEXT",
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"value" : "COLLECTION",
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"value" : "MESSENGER",
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"value" : "E_COMMERCE_SEARCH",
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"value" : "STANDARD_ADS",
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"value" : "LENS",
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"value" : "STICKY_ADS",
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"value" : "PODCAST",
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$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/digital/metadata/format-type' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/digital/metadata/format-type' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
Digital Buy Type
List available/accepted Digital Buy Type values.
GET /api/v1/digital/metadata/digital-buy-type HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
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[ {
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}, {
"value" : "SPECIFICS",
"label" : "SPECIFICS"
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"value" : "SELF_SERVICE",
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"label" : "AFFILIATE"
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$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/digital/metadata/digital-buy-type' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/digital/metadata/digital-buy-type' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
Digital Cost Type
List available/accepted Digital Cost Type values.
GET /api/v1/digital/metadata/digital-cost-type HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
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"value" : "CPV",
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"value" : "CPF",
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"value" : "FIXED",
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"value" : "CPVI",
"label" : "CPVI"
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"value" : "CPEV",
"label" : "CPEV"
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"value" : "RPM",
"label" : "RPM"
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$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/digital/metadata/digital-cost-type' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/digital/metadata/digital-cost-type' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.6. Cinema
6.6.1. Cinema Buy Type explained
The value of field buyType
is used to determine which value of the
fields nbrSpots
, nbrTickets
and nbrSeats
to use for calculations.
Note that all fields can have values.
6.6.2. Cinema Plan model
All fields represented in a Cinema plan object
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
GMP ID for the Cinema Plan |
GMP ID for Campaign |
Campaign name |
Country code according to |
List of regions |
Brand name |
Plan status |
Cinema Plan start date |
Cinema Plan end date |
Fiscal year |
Agency name |
Currency according to |
Purchase Order number |
Agency fees, can be only |
Percent on Media net |
Percent on net net |
Fixed sum fee |
Addressable net net value |
Non Addressable net net value |
Addressable percent of net net |
Non Addressable percent of net net |
Summary of planned values |
Total planned rate card in Cinema plan |
Total planned Media net in Cinema plan |
Total planned net net in Cinema plan |
Total planned Addressable net net value in Cinema plan |
Total planned Non Addressable net net value in Cinema plan |
Total planned Addressable percent of net net in Cinema plan |
Total planned Non Addressable percent of net net in Cinema plan |
Total planned discount |
Total planned agency commission (percent) |
Total number of planned spots in given equivalence |
Total number of planned tickets in given equivalence |
Total number of planned seats in given equivalence |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Summary of actual values |
Total actual rate card in Cinema plan |
Total actual Media net in Cinema plan |
Total actual net net in Cinema plan |
Total actual Addressable net net value in Cinema plan |
Total actual Non Addressable net net value in Cinema plan |
Total actual Addressable percent of net net in Cinema plan |
Total actual Non Addressable percent of net net in Cinema plan |
Total discount |
Total agency commission (percent) |
Total number of spots in given equivalence |
Total number of tickets in given equivalence |
Total number of seats in given equivalence |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
List of planned Cinema details |
Planned supplier |
Planned package name |
Planned coverage as found in |
Planned region or city name if coverage is regional |
Planned movie origin as found in |
Planned release type as found in |
Planned release title if applicable |
Planned buy type as found in |
Planned number of spots |
Planned number of tickets |
Planned number of seats |
Planned share of premium placement in percent |
Planned start date |
Planned end date |
Planned rate card |
Planned media net |
Planned net net |
Planned Addressable net net |
Planned Non Addressable net net |
Planned Addressable percent of net net |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net |
Planned discount |
Planned agency commission (percent) |
Planned Creative ID |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Weeks for media plans. Only available for License Premium Periods |
Year for the week |
Month for the week |
Week number for the week |
Start Date for the week |
End Date for the week |
Planned Values for week |
Planned rate card for week |
Planned Media net for week |
Planned net net for week |
Planned Addressable net net |
Planned Non Addressable net net |
Planned Addressable percent of net net |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net |
Planned Discount for week |
Planned agency commission (percent) for week |
Number of planned spots in given equivalence for week |
Number of planned tickets in given equivalence for week |
Number of planned seats in given equivalence for week |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual Values for week |
Actual rate card for week |
Actual Media net for week |
Actual net net for week |
Actual Addressable net net value |
Actual Non Addressable net net value |
Actual Addressable percent of net net |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net |
Actual discount for week |
Actual agency commission (percent) for week |
Number of actual spots in given equivalence for week |
Number of actual tickets in given equivalence for week |
Number of actual seats in given equivalence for week |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
List of actual Cinema details |
Supplier name |
Package name |
Coverage as found in |
Region or city name if coverage is regional |
Movie origin as found in |
Release type as found in |
Release title if applicable |
Buy type as found in |
Number of spots |
Number of tickets |
Number of seats |
Share of premium placement in percent |
Start date |
End date |
Actual rate card |
Actual media net |
Actual net net |
Actual Addressable net net |
Actual Non Addressable net net |
Actual Addressable percent of net net |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net |
Actual discount |
Actual agency commission (percent) |
Creative ID |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Weeks for media plans. Only available for License Premium Periods |
Year for the week |
Month for the week |
Week number for the week |
Start Date for the week |
End Date for the week |
Planned Values for week |
Planned rate card for week |
Planned Media net for week |
Planned net net for week |
Planned Addressable net net |
Planned Non Addressable net net |
Planned Addressable percent of net net |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net |
Planned Discount for week |
Planned agency commission (percent) for week |
Number of planned spots in given equivalence for week |
Number of planned tickets in given equivalence for week |
Number of planned seats in given equivalence for week |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Actual Values for week |
Actual rate card for week |
Actual Media net for week |
Actual net net for week |
Actual Addressable net net |
Actual Non Addressable net net |
Actual Addressable percent of net net |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net |
Actual discount for week |
Actual agency commission (percent) for week |
Number of actual spots in given equivalence for week |
Number of actual tickets in given equivalence for week |
Number of actual seats in given equivalence for week |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
6.6.3. Get Cinema Plans for Campaign
Get all Cinema plans for a specific Campaign using GMP Campaign ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/cinema/plans HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 5323
[ {
"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f7e",
"campaignId" : "5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "PO-NBR-123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"agencyRemuneration" : {
"percentOnNet" : 1.0,
"percentOnNetNet" : 0.0,
"fixedFee" : 100.0
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 4500.0,
"netNet" : 4050.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"rateCard" : 5000.0,
"nbrSpots" : 100.0,
"nbrTickets" : 0.0,
"nbrSeats" : 0.0,
"discount" : 10.0,
"agencyCommission" : 10.0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 4500.0,
"netNet" : 4050.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"rateCard" : 5000.0,
"nbrSpots" : 100.0,
"nbrTickets" : 0.0,
"nbrSeats" : 0.0,
"discount" : 10.0,
"agencyCommission" : 10.0
"planningDetails" : [ {
"supplier" : "Supplier name",
"packageName" : "Package name",
"coverage" : "REGIONAL",
"region" : "North Region",
"movieOriginType" : "FOREIGN",
"movieReleaseType" : "MAJOR",
"majorReleaseTitle" : "Star Wars",
"buyType" : "SPOTS",
"nbrSpots" : 100,
"nbrTickets" : 0,
"nbrSeats" : 0,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"creativeId" : "Commercial film",
"rateCard" : 5000,
"net" : 4500,
"netNet" : 4050,
"discount" : 10,
"agencyCommission" : 10,
"premiumPlacementShare" : 78,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 4500.0,
"netNet" : 4050.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"rateCard" : 5000.0,
"nbrSpots" : 100.0,
"nbrTickets" : 0.0,
"nbrSeats" : 0.0,
"discount" : 10.0,
"agencyCommission" : 10.0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 4500.0,
"netNet" : 4050.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"rateCard" : 5000.0,
"nbrSpots" : 100.0,
"nbrTickets" : 0.0,
"nbrSeats" : 0.0,
"discount" : 10.0,
"agencyCommission" : 10.0
} ]
} ],
"actualDetails" : [ {
"supplier" : "Supplier name",
"packageName" : "Package name",
"coverage" : "REGIONAL",
"region" : "North Region",
"movieOriginType" : "FOREIGN",
"movieReleaseType" : "MAJOR",
"majorReleaseTitle" : "Star Wars",
"buyType" : "SPOTS",
"nbrSpots" : 100,
"nbrTickets" : 0,
"nbrSeats" : 0,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"creativeId" : "Commercial film",
"rateCard" : 5000,
"net" : 4500,
"netNet" : 4050,
"discount" : 10,
"agencyCommission" : 10,
"premiumPlacementShare" : 78,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 4500.0,
"netNet" : 4050.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"rateCard" : 5000.0,
"nbrSpots" : 100.0,
"nbrTickets" : 0.0,
"nbrSeats" : 0.0,
"discount" : 10.0,
"agencyCommission" : 10.0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 4500.0,
"netNet" : 4050.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"rateCard" : 5000.0,
"nbrSpots" : 100.0,
"nbrTickets" : 0.0,
"nbrSeats" : 0.0,
"discount" : 10.0,
"agencyCommission" : 10.0
} ]
} ]
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/cinema/plans' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/cinema/plans' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.6.4. Get Cinema Plan by ID
Get a specific Cinema plan using GMP Campaign ID and Cinema Plan ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/cinema/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 5319
"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f7e",
"campaignId" : "5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "PO-NBR-123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"agencyRemuneration" : {
"percentOnNet" : 1.0,
"percentOnNetNet" : 0.0,
"fixedFee" : 100.0
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 4500.0,
"netNet" : 4050.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"rateCard" : 5000.0,
"nbrSpots" : 100.0,
"nbrTickets" : 0.0,
"nbrSeats" : 0.0,
"discount" : 10.0,
"agencyCommission" : 10.0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 4500.0,
"netNet" : 4050.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"rateCard" : 5000.0,
"nbrSpots" : 100.0,
"nbrTickets" : 0.0,
"nbrSeats" : 0.0,
"discount" : 10.0,
"agencyCommission" : 10.0
"planningDetails" : [ {
"supplier" : "Supplier name",
"packageName" : "Package name",
"coverage" : "REGIONAL",
"region" : "North Region",
"movieOriginType" : "FOREIGN",
"movieReleaseType" : "MAJOR",
"majorReleaseTitle" : "Star Wars",
"buyType" : "SPOTS",
"nbrSpots" : 100,
"nbrTickets" : 0,
"nbrSeats" : 0,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"creativeId" : "Commercial film",
"rateCard" : 5000,
"net" : 4500,
"netNet" : 4050,
"discount" : 10,
"agencyCommission" : 10,
"premiumPlacementShare" : 78,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 4500.0,
"netNet" : 4050.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"rateCard" : 5000.0,
"nbrSpots" : 100.0,
"nbrTickets" : 0.0,
"nbrSeats" : 0.0,
"discount" : 10.0,
"agencyCommission" : 10.0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 4500.0,
"netNet" : 4050.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"rateCard" : 5000.0,
"nbrSpots" : 100.0,
"nbrTickets" : 0.0,
"nbrSeats" : 0.0,
"discount" : 10.0,
"agencyCommission" : 10.0
} ]
} ],
"actualDetails" : [ {
"supplier" : "Supplier name",
"packageName" : "Package name",
"coverage" : "REGIONAL",
"region" : "North Region",
"movieOriginType" : "FOREIGN",
"movieReleaseType" : "MAJOR",
"majorReleaseTitle" : "Star Wars",
"buyType" : "SPOTS",
"nbrSpots" : 100,
"nbrTickets" : 0,
"nbrSeats" : 0,
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"creativeId" : "Commercial film",
"rateCard" : 5000,
"net" : 4500,
"netNet" : 4050,
"discount" : 10,
"agencyCommission" : 10,
"premiumPlacementShare" : 78,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 4500.0,
"netNet" : 4050.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"rateCard" : 5000.0,
"nbrSpots" : 100.0,
"nbrTickets" : 0.0,
"nbrSeats" : 0.0,
"discount" : 10.0,
"agencyCommission" : 10.0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 4500.0,
"netNet" : 4050.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 4050.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 5.442334,
"valueGainLoss" : 234.3,
"rateCard" : 5000.0,
"nbrSpots" : 100.0,
"nbrTickets" : 0.0,
"nbrSeats" : 0.0,
"discount" : 10.0,
"agencyCommission" : 10.0
} ]
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/cinema/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/cinema/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.6.5. Code Tables
Cinema Coverage
List available/accepted Cinema Coverage values.
GET /api/v1/cinema/metadata/coverage HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 106
[ {
"value" : "NATIONAL",
"label" : "NATIONAL"
}, {
"value" : "REGIONAL",
"label" : "REGIONAL"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/cinema/metadata/coverage' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/cinema/metadata/coverage' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
Movie Origin
List available/accepted Movie Origin values.
GET /api/v1/cinema/metadata/origin HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 146
[ {
"value" : "DOMESTIC",
"label" : "DOMESTIC"
}, {
"value" : "FOREIGN",
"label" : "FOREIGN"
}, {
"value" : "MIX",
"label" : "MIX"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/cinema/metadata/origin' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/cinema/metadata/origin' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
Movie Release Type
List available/accepted Movie Release Type values.
GET /api/v1/cinema/metadata/release-type HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 98
[ {
"value" : "MAJOR",
"label" : "MAJOR"
}, {
"value" : "REGULAR",
"label" : "REGULAR"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/cinema/metadata/release-type' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/cinema/metadata/release-type' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
Cinema Buy Type
List available/accepted Cinema Release Type values.
GET /api/v1/cinema/metadata/buy-type HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 144
[ {
"value" : "SPOTS",
"label" : "SPOTS"
}, {
"value" : "TICKETS",
"label" : "TICKETS"
}, {
"value" : "SEATS",
"label" : "SEATS"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/cinema/metadata/buy-type' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/cinema/metadata/buy-type' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.7. Other Media
6.7.1. Other Media model
All fields represented for an Other Media object
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
GMP ID for the Other Media Plan |
GMP ID for Campaign |
Campaign name |
Country code according to |
List of regions |
Brand name |
Plan status |
Other Media Plan start date |
Other Media Plan end date |
Fiscal year |
Agency name |
Currency according to |
PO Number |
Media Type for Other Media plan |
Addressable net net |
Non Addressable net net |
Addressable percent of net net |
Non Addressable percent of net net |
Summary of planned values |
Total planned Media net in Other Media plan |
Total planned net net in Other Media plan |
Total planned Addressable net net in Other Media plan |
Total planned Non Addressable net net in Other Media plan |
Total planned Addressable percent of net net in Other Media plan |
Total planned Non Addressable percent of net net in Other Media plan |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Summary of actual values |
Total actual Media net in Other Media plan |
Total actual net net in Other Media plan |
Total actual Addressable net net in Other Media plan |
Total actual Non Addressable net net in Other Media plan |
Total actual Addressable percent of net net in Other Media plan |
Total actual Non Addressable percent of net net in Other Media plan |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Weeks for media plans. Only available for License Premium Periods |
Year for the week |
Month for the week |
Week number for the week |
Start Date for the week |
End Date for the week |
Summary of planned values for week |
Planned Media net for week |
Planned net net for week |
Planned Addressable net net |
Planned Non Addressable net net |
Planned Addressable percent of net net |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
Summary of actual values for week |
Actual Media net for week |
Actual net net for week |
Actual Addressable net net |
Actual Non Addressable net net |
Actual Addressable percent of net net |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net |
Value gain/loss vs CG in percent |
Value gain/loss vs CG in money |
6.7.2. Get Other Media Plans for Campaign
Get all Other Media plans for a specific Campaign using GMP Campaign ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/other-media/plans HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1819
[ {
"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f7e",
"campaignId" : "5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 0.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 11.234344,
"valueGainLoss" : 170.5
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 11.234344,
"valueGainLoss" : 170.5
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 11.234344,
"valueGainLoss" : 170.5
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 11.234344,
"valueGainLoss" : 170.5
} ],
"mediaType" : "SPONSORSHIP"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/other-media/plans' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/other-media/plans' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.7.3. Get Other Media Plan by ID
Get a specific Other Media plan using GMP Campaign ID and Plan ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/other-media/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1815
"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f7e",
"campaignId" : "5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 0.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 11.234344,
"valueGainLoss" : 170.5
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 11.234344,
"valueGainLoss" : 170.5
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 11.234344,
"valueGainLoss" : 170.5
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0,
"valueGainLossPercent" : 11.234344,
"valueGainLoss" : 170.5
} ],
"mediaType" : "SPONSORSHIP"
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/other-media/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/other-media/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.7.4. Code Tables
Other Media Types
List available/accepted Other Media Type values. Please note that this list differs depending on advertiser setup.
GET /api/v1/other-media/metadata/media-types HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2388
[ {
"value" : "ONLINE_DIRECT_BUY",
}, {
}, {
"value" : "ONLINE_SOCIAL",
"label" : "ONLINE_SOCIAL"
}, {
"value" : "ONLINE_VIDEO",
"label" : "ONLINE_VIDEO"
}, {
"value" : "ONLINE_DISPLAY",
"label" : "ONLINE_DISPLAY"
}, {
"value" : "ONLINE_SEARCH",
"label" : "ONLINE_SEARCH"
}, {
}, {
"value" : "VIDEO_ON_DEMAND",
"label" : "VIDEO_ON_DEMAND"
}, {
"value" : "MOBILE",
"label" : "MOBILE"
}, {
"value" : "INSERTS",
"label" : "INSERTS"
}, {
"value" : "ONLINE",
"label" : "ONLINE"
}, {
"value" : "CINEMA_SIMPLE",
"label" : "CINEMA_SIMPLE"
}, {
}, {
"value" : "SPONSORSHIP",
"label" : "SPONSORSHIP"
}, {
"value" : "PARTNERSHIP",
"label" : "PARTNERSHIP"
}, {
"value" : "PR",
"label" : "PR"
}, {
"value" : "DIRECT",
"label" : "DIRECT"
}, {
"value" : "DIRECT_MAIL",
"label" : "DIRECT_MAIL"
}, {
"value" : "OOH_TV",
"label" : "OOH_TV"
}, {
}, {
}, {
"value" : "COOPERATION",
"label" : "COOPERATION"
}, {
"value" : "INFLUENCERS",
"label" : "INFLUENCERS"
}, {
}, {
"value" : "E_COMMERCE",
"label" : "E_COMMERCE"
}, {
}, {
}, {
"value" : "ADDED_VALUE",
"label" : "ADDED_VALUE"
}, {
"value" : "ADDED_VALUE_TV",
"label" : "ADDED_VALUE_TV"
}, {
"value" : "ADDED_VALUE_RADIO",
}, {
"value" : "ADDED_VALUE_OOH",
"label" : "ADDED_VALUE_OOH"
}, {
"value" : "ADDED_VALUE_PRINT",
}, {
}, {
}, {
}, {
"value" : "EMAIL_BLAST",
"label" : "EMAIL_BLAST"
}, {
"value" : "PROMOTION",
"label" : "PROMOTION"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/other-media/metadata/media-types' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/other-media/metadata/media-types' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.8. Other Spend
6.8.1. Other Spend model
All fields represented for an Other Spend object
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
GMP ID for the Other Spend Plan |
GMP ID for Campaign |
Campaign name |
Country code according to |
List of regions |
Brand name |
Plan status |
Other Spend Plan start date |
Other Spend Plan end date |
Fiscal year |
Agency name |
Currency according to |
PO Number |
Spend Type for Other Spend plan |
Addressable net net |
Non Addressable net net |
Addressable percent of net net |
Non Addressable percent of net net |
Summary of planned values |
Total planned Spend net in Other Spend plan |
Total planned net net in Other Spend plan |
Total planned Addressable net net in Other Spend plan |
Total planned Non Addressable net net in Other Spend plan |
Total planned Addressable percent of net net in Other Spend plan |
Total planned Non Addressable percent of net net in Other Spend plan |
Summary of actual values |
Total actual Spend net in Other Spend plan |
Total actual net net in Other Spend plan |
Total actual Addressable net net in Other Spend plan |
Total actual Non Addressable net net in Other Spend plan |
Total actual Addressable percent of net net in Other Spend plan |
Total actual Non Addressable percent of net net in Other Spend plan |
Weeks for media plans. Only available for License Premium Periods |
Year for the week |
Month for the week |
Week number for the week |
Start Date for the week |
End Date for the week |
Summary of planned values for week |
Planned Spend net for week |
Planned net net for week |
Planned Addressable net net |
Planned Non Addressable net net |
Planned Addressable percent of net net |
Planned Non Addressable percent of net net |
Summary of actual values for week |
Actual Spend net for week |
Actual net net for week |
Actual Addressable net net |
Actual Non Addressable net net |
Actual Addressable percent of net net |
Actual Non Addressable percent of net net |
6.8.2. Get Other Spend Plans for Campaign
Get all Other Spend plans for a specific Campaign using GMP Campaign ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/other-spend/plans HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1526
[ {
"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f7e",
"campaignId" : "5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 0.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
} ],
"spendType" : "PR"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/other-spend/plans' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/other-spend/plans' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.8.3. Get Other Spend Plan by ID
Get a specific Other Spend plan using GMP Campaign ID and Plan ID
GET /api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/other-spend/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1522
"id" : "5c41f5922944030003c58f7e",
"campaignId" : "5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea",
"campaignName" : "Campaign Name",
"countryCode" : "SE",
"regions" : [ "National" ],
"brand" : "Brand 1",
"planStatus" : "In Followup",
"startDate" : "2019-02-25",
"endDate" : "2019-03-10",
"fiscalYear" : 2019,
"currency" : "SEK",
"poNumber" : "123456",
"agencyName" : "An Agency Name",
"addressableNetNet" : null,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : null,
"addressablePercent" : 0.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : null,
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
"periods" : [ {
"year" : 2019,
"month" : 3,
"week" : 11,
"startDate" : "2019-03-01",
"endDate" : "2019-03-03",
"plannedSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
"actualSummary" : {
"net" : 1800.0,
"netNet" : 1800.0,
"addressableNetNet" : 1800.0,
"nonAddressableNetNet" : 0,
"addressablePercent" : 100.0,
"nonAddressablePercent" : 0
} ],
"spendType" : "PR"
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/other-spend/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/campaigns/5bade5a3fb512a0003ec42ea/other-spend/plans/5c41f5922944030003c58f7e' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
6.8.4. Code Tables
Other Spend Types
List available/accepted Other Spend Type values. Please note that this list differs depending on advertiser setup.
GET /api/v1/other-spend/metadata/media-types HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 584
[ {
"value" : "RESEARCH",
"label" : "RESEARCH"
}, {
"value" : "TECHNICAL_COST",
"label" : "TECHNICAL_COST"
}, {
}, {
"value" : "PRODUCTION_COST",
}, {
"value" : "CASH_EXTRACTION",
}, {
"value" : "RECALL_CAMPAIGN",
}, {
"value" : "OTHER_SPEND",
"label" : "OTHER_SPEND"
}, {
}, {
"value" : "AD_SERVING_COST",
"label" : "AD_SERVING_COST"
} ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/other-spend/metadata/media-types' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/other-spend/metadata/media-types' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
7. Upload status
7.1. Upload status model
All fields represented for an Upload status model
Path | Type | Optional | Description |
GMP ID of the upload status |
Timestamp for when the status post was created |
GMP ID of the Campaign linked to plan upload |
GMP ID of any Campaigns created using campaign upload endpoint |
List of Media Plan Ids created as a result of upload |
How many percent done is the processing of the uploaded data |
State of the processing of the uploaded data |
List of errors if the state is |
7.2. Check upload status
Check status of an upload.
GET /api/v1/status/FUL_54c0583d0dd84365a9ed203c HTTP/1.1
X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851
Accept: application/json
Host: api.globalmediaplatform.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 248
"statusId" : "FUL_54c0583d0dd84365a9ed203c",
"created" : "2025-03-03T10:42:49.545Z",
"percentDone" : 0,
"state" : "COLLECTING_DATA",
"errors" : [ ],
"campaignId" : "337396f99304400ca2a04250",
"planIds" : [ ],
"campaignIds" : [ ]
$ curl 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/status/FUL_54c0583d0dd84365a9ed203c' -i -X GET \
-H 'X-auth: ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
$ http GET 'https://api.globalmediaplatform.com/api/v1/status/FUL_54c0583d0dd84365a9ed203c' \
'X-auth:ffa0f657-6ac7-4fc2-b8ab-09faad9d5851' \
7.3. Possible upload status states
The Upload status can have the following list of states when polled
Status | Description |
Evaluating the uploaded data |
Waiting for available worker |
Collecting uploaded data for processing |
Parsing uploaded data |
Categorizing and interpreting data |
Preforming calculations |
Saving result |
Processing completed without error |
One or more errors have occured during data processing |
Data for upload has been removed |
8. Appendix
8.1. Formats
These are the formats that are accepted by the API.
Dates sent as Strings and should be formatted as: yyyy-MM-dd
. Example: 2018-12-31
Timestamps should be formatted as yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
where SSS
indicates milliseconds and Z
is UTC time zone
offset (or just the letter Z if UTC). Example: 2018-12-31T08:15:25.123Z
All non-integer numbers must have .
as decimal separator. Quotes are optional. Example: "123.500"
or 123.500
Any value that describes a percentage will be displayed as a whole number rather than a decimal value. I.e. 3.3% will be returned as 3.3
, not as 0.03
API uses the Alpha-2
code representation of country codes as described by ISO 3166-1
API uses ISO 4217
to describe currencies
8.2. Request status codes
List of possible response status codes
Successful request and response
Malformed or other bad request. If there are multiple errors these will be separated by a semicolon (;
Requested resource require you to be an authorized user to access. You have forgotten to provide X-auth
as a request
header or the used token is expired
Login has failed - bad credentials or closed account
The wrong request method has been used.
Request have timed out. We have a limit of 30 seconds
for a request/response cycle. If the full payload was received we
will most likely be able to process it behind the scenes. You can utilize the same idempotencyKey
for next attempt to retrieve the result.
If the problem persist you can try a smaller payload.
We had a problem with our server. Try again later. If the problem persist, please contact GMP Support
8.3. Encoding
All requests and responses use UTF-8
8.4. API Versioning
Version 1 will be kept for all non-breaking additions. Breaking changes to the API will cause the version number to go up.